Staying healthy after a total gastrectomy

  • 32 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello all,

 I had a total gastrectomy 2 weeks ago and am looking for nutritional meal ideas. I think I’m still adjusting to my new “plumbing” as when I eat I get abdominal pain and have also experienced some back pain (did anybody else experience this?) I want to stay as healthy as possible so would be grateful for any advice of what has worked for others in my situation.

thanks in advance x

  • Hi Cestrian i had a successful Total Gastrectomy op back on the 5th December 22 , went on liquids for around 2-3 weeks, then soft foods for 2 weeks and moved back to solids after that. Although ive been trying little and often meals (5-6 per day) i did suffer with vomiting for nearly 3 weeks consecutively 

    I dont want to alarm you but i consulted my oncologist and surgeon and was sent for another endoscopy and ct scan. I experienced stomach cramps like you which quickly moved around the sides of my body to my lower back. The outcome of both examinations was an ULCER. I got meds for this and pleased to say im recovering as i should but get it checked out

  • Hi Sweats,

    Many thanks for taking the time to provide me with some advice. I had a CT scan a week or so ago and everything is showing as being fine so I guess it’s just my new plumbing settling.

    I hope that you’re recovering well now?