Staying healthy after a total gastrectomy

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  • 28 subscribers

Hello all,

 I had a total gastrectomy 2 weeks ago and am looking for nutritional meal ideas. I think I’m still adjusting to my new “plumbing” as when I eat I get abdominal pain and have also experienced some back pain (did anybody else experience this?) I want to stay as healthy as possible so would be grateful for any advice of what has worked for others in my situation.

thanks in advance x

  • Thank you. It really does make a difference to speak to people who have been through this and are leading happy lives on the other side. Admittedly I’ve been a little down as at the moment every time I eat I’m experiencing some discomfort in my lower abdomen, I can almost feel the food move through and I’m craving my old life or some kind of normality again. I’m very grateful to be in a position where I can begin to dream of the future again but after having my little girl in Jan 22 this whole thing has completely knocked me sideways, I just need to keep in mind that each day it gets a little easier.

    Thats great advice re the B12 thank you again. How are your calcium levels? I read somewhere that those can also be affected.

  • It’s so good to get advice from those who have gone through a full gastrectomy.   I think it’s hard to imagine life being ‘normal’ again when you are experiencing so many changes both physically and emotionally.

    It will get easier and you will have good days and days when you feel anxious..or angry ..or scared..or all 3!  I found a lovely quote which I must have kept when I was going through treatment.. everything in life is temporary so even the bad times pass!

    Hang in there..the lovely people in this group will help you through!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Jacqui,

    Thanks for you message, it’s been quite the rollercoaster with an array of emotions. That’s a lovely quote and so true, thank you for sharing it.

  • Hi Cestrian, try not be too hard on yourself or think too much on stuff … it’s natural to have ups and downs coming out the other side but don’t forget or underestimate how much you’ve walked through and conquered already and retrospectively that can and does take time to process ; but focus on what’s ahead of you and that you’re walking a new path the other side of this now and there is so much to be grateful for !

    Even the mundane stuff I used to take for granted, I’m so appreciative of now … school runs, queuing in shops, all the stuff that used to jar me is now seen as a blessing to still be here and experience, good or bad ! 

    Levels wise, I’ve just popped into the Royal Marsden app and checked the calcium levels for you, in answer to your question and attached a pic (hopefully I figured out how to do that correctly and you can see it) - it’s in green / normal ranges so looks fine.

    You can and will be out the other side functioning normally and your body re-calibrating and then functioning healthily again, even without a stomach !

    Hope that helps, and anything else, just ask - am happy to help !

  • Thank you Red 10,

    Like you say it’s a lot to process. Sometimes I think I’m going to get to the end of this ‘journey’ and think wow what has actually just happened as I just focus on the next part of the process. I am so grateful though to have yourself and all of the other helpful members walk this path with me.

    your levels look great and again that’s really reassuring, you and the other members are inspirational with how you coped, adjusted and adapted. When would you say that you started to eat a more normal diet? I had 2 egg scrambled egg with cheese, mushroom, tomato etc for lunch today but had to eat it stages. I’d love to be able to eat a round of toast with it too.

     I agree that this experience does make you appreciate things so much more, I feel that my eyes have been opened, I see things in far more detail and the things that I really wanted before just no longer seem as important.

     I had my bloods taken yesterday and am off for a CT scan today so fingers crossed all is fine with my new plumbing. Thanks again Grinning

  • Hi Wave me again, I was wondering whether anybody developed an intolerance to lactose, I’m wondering if some of the discomfort that I feel might be down to that or is it generally normal to get a little discomfort after Ice cream, yoghurt, ensure etc if so does this subside. Apologies for all the questions I’m just trying to plan in advance I had a not too nice episode after yoghurt today whilst I was in the park with my daughter. It’s worried me a little as it was just the two of us as my partner has returned to work.

    thanks in advance x

  • Hi, I was warned by the dietician before I left hospital that it could happen… as I couldn’t get on with the ensure shakes… so I started off having lactose free milk and yogurts etc… I then slowly introduced ordinary milk, yogurts etc after 3 months and everything has been ok… I do tend to only have skimmed milk. 
    Take care 


  • Thanks Michele, I think that I’m going to follow your lead and give this a go. Fingers crossed it’s only temporary and I can reintroduce dairy like yourself x

  • Yes fingers crossed it’s just temporary for you… the dietitian said to reintroduce slowly, if it doesn’t work try it again in another month… 


  • There have been a number of posts about lactose intolerance and it can be temporary.   There are a number of alternatives so worth trying almond milk or soya milk.  It’s such trial and error! 
    I thought that was the cause of the severe diarrhoea that I had for a couple of weeks about a month after my surgery.  
    Hopefully it’s only temporary!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!