Dad has lost his voice and chest x-ray showed something on lungs

  • 1 reply
  • 25 subscribers


My dad got diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in November last year.

Hes so far had 3 rounds of chemo. We havent had any scans yet so dont know if it has done anything.

On Tudsday last week, my dad lost his voice. It got worse the next day and he is really hoarse and can only get a little bit of voice out.

He is also currently suffering with urine incontinence. I got him to the GP on friday with a struggle and I asked the GP if the voice could be the cancer spreading. He said it wouldnt happen that quickly in terms of his voice suddenly going and thought it was laryngitis.

My dad had a temperature so the GP sent us to A+E with suspected sepsis. It wasnt sepsis but they said he had a slight infection as he had slightly raised CRP markers.

They did a chest x-ray which they said showed something on his lungs which they said could be the infection.

I asked if what was seen on the x-ray could be his cancer spreading, but the consultant said that an X-ray couldn't tell if it was a mass.

I've just googled and found that lung cancer can cause voice hoarseness and now I'm terrified that that's what is causing the voice issues and I'm panicking.

He is on antibiotics which have lowered his infection levels from 70 to 47 and is having a chest x-ray next week to see if the findings from the xray have improved.

I'm so worried that it's all connected and it's not just laryngitis.

Just wondered if anyone has any advice? x

  • Hi 

    I can't help with your question about whether your dad's hoarseness means that the cancer has spread but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where hopefully someone with a similar experience will see it and reply.

    If you don't get any response you could post your question in the ask a nurse section of the online community and one of the specialist nurses will reply within 3 working days.

    I hope the antibiotics have done their job and your dad is feeling better.


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