FLOT side effects

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

We got the stage 4 diagnosis for my husband last week. Overwhelming and surreal - we are still trying to process it. 
We have our first oncologist appt tomorrow to find out treatment (surgery is not possible). My husband has already expressed concerns over chemo side effects and will they make him feel worse than he does now. He has no pain but following urine retention after his laparoscopy, he now has a catheter fitted. 
I would like to be able to reassure him but I imagine it’s different for everyone?

  • Hi there, I’ve been in a similar situation as my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer in June. I remember the first trip to the oncologist and she talked through all the possible side effects from FLOT. Yes, there’s a long list of side effects but they can all be managed with other drugs. My husband was lucky that he didn’t feel too bad during treatment. It made him very tired and his immune system went right down, but he received extra medication to help counter this. His hair did fall out gradually but is now growing back in.  He was able to walk around with his IV trolley and go down to the hospital cafe for a coffee to escape the ward.  It’s strange how moments of “normality” like this really helped both of us during treatment. 

    Everyone responds differently and I’m afraid your husband won’t know which group he’s in until the chemo starts. But please reassure him that the medical team will help him manage any side effects. I’m sure the oncologist will talk you through the treatment plan tomorrow and prepare you for what to expect

    Hope that helps and best of luck x

  • Hi,

    I've had 3 out of 4 of my initial FLOT treatments and just wanted to say my side effects have been way less dramatic than I feared. I really feel extremely lucky so far. The way it was sold to me I thought it was going to be so much worse but they have to prepare you for all potential problems. 

    I have the finger/toe extreme sensitivity to cold, the larynx sensitivity also but I try to cover my mouth in the open air which helps. The inbetween week I try to get out where possible. The days immediately after treatment I stay indoors.

    I take my anti-sickness as directed but don't really need them much after the 1st few days. I have some rush to the loo moments after a meal but it's manageable. 

    My hair loss started after 19 days, yes I was counting. After 3 treatment regimes I still have some hair but it's rapidly thinning. I'm prepared with scarves & wigs.

    I'm very tired, that's the most noticeable thing. But I nap when I want and the guilt of not being all things I was is lessening!

    I do have a rare genetic mutation which means I only get a 50% strength of the take home 24 hour part, I get 100% of the inpatient administered ones. My oncologist is very pleased with my tolerance but won't up my dose as I am suitable for surgery so he doesn't want to risk it. 

    I hope this positive review of FLOT helps, I know not everyone has such a good experience but I just wanted to let you know it is possible! 

    Best of luck with it all. A positive attitude goes a long way. It is still surreal (I was diagnosed end of Sept) but you WILL make sense of it in your own way.

    Much love



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PammieD

    Hi there is life after Flot, believe me no matter how bad you feel when you are going through it... I finished Flot chemo 2nd round over 1 yr ago..   Today I still have some of the side effects, in my fingers my feet - suffice to say, I now see specialist nurst once every 6 months, the discomfort you feel can be treated, the fact lying down is still a problem for me, we bought an electric bed, having had a full gastrectomy.. you learn to live with it, are really thankful that you have undergone the chemo and the surgery, the chemo to me will always be the worst, whilst the surgery seems but a distant memory that perhaps happened to someone else.... I was diagnosed with Stage 4 in my stomach and the outlook was not great... however it had not spread outside the wall of my stomach, none was found in my lymph nodes, yes I am slimmer than I have been for years, I have more energy, when I do get tired I feel the effects if my feet or hands get cold.. a very very small price to pay, I did not know I was sick, it was a blood test that showed something wrong and that is what they found...it is little comfort for many as they endure Flot chemo which is strong, however think about the long term, I have had a great summer, we had a long holiday, it has altered my life very little, I am a cheap date now my husband says, I eat small portions, I drink only the rare glass of wine, but I sing in the morning, please stay with the treatment, it is worth the effort... life is worth living.
