Stomach cancer

  • 11 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hello I’m new here . My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer 19/sept we have met the surgeon they are doing total stomach removal he’s had scans pet scans ct scans and today we met oncologist who informed us it had spread to his lymph nodes something we weren’t told before. He’s starting chemotherapy 12 Dec we are now at 14 weeks and he’s had no treatment we are worried sick and after today more worried oncologist also told us having surgery wasn’t set in stone they would see how he gets in with chemotherapy . Just don’t no were to turn 

  • Hi

    This must be such a difficult and stressful time for you and your husband!  But you will find this group a great support.  Chemo can be very effective in shrinking a tumour , in my case it removed it completely.  I was very lucky that it was found early.

    Just take one step at a time and focus on each stage of the treatment.

    Did they say what chemo it was going to be?

    I had ECX but FLOT is the new treatment.

    If you have any questions do share them here or PM me. 

    Take care x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jacquiw10

    Thank you so much for your reply . He will be treated with flot . It very difficult to talk to our children even though they are adults . We feeling a little stronger today x

  • Hi

    I think that was the hardest thing for me.  I have two girls and four grandchildren and it was really hard for the girls. But they were a great support to each other and I let them help me as I think that helped too.

    We tried to still do nice things together! Watch a programme together or go for a walk. Whatever it took to feel better! 



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi, I was diagnosed on May 15th, had chemo (FLOT) thru the summer and had a total gastrectomy on Oct 7th, which I’m still recovering from.  Like your husband they found (after the op) that it had spread to 3 of the lymph nodes they removed.  I’m starting post-op flot next week.  Get in touch if you need Slight smile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Andy_C

    Hi Andy,

    Good luck with your up coming treatment. I hope all goes well for you.

    How is your recovery coming along?


  • Hi Molly,

    I was sort of diagnosed the day after your husband. The 20th Sept was the 1st time anyone said the word cancer at least! It wasn't a formal diagnosis. My local hospital were- their words- a little baffled. I was referred to Leeds Cancer Centre and a whirlwind began! Fast forward to today and I'm 3 chemos in (FLOT) and due 1 more with a total gastrectomy planned for mid January. I don't have a tumour, my stomach wall structure has been changed, linitus plastica. 

    It is so much to take in. I really feel for you with telling the kids, that was the worst day so far, mine are 21, 16 and 10. But they have been amazing. Yours will be too. 

    I don't have much more to add other than if you have questions ask, on here someone will know. There are existing threads about most things I have found useful. It's a bizarre world we're in but the others in this world will support and help where they can

    Much love



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PammieD

    Thank you for your kind words . I’m really worried my husband still hasn’t started his treatment they keep changing date . 15 weeks since being told and nothing so a read and worried x

  • I completely understand your worries. My experience has been the total opposite but I can clarify that it's actually been almost a year of symptoms that got the ball rolling if that helps?

    I was diagnosed with helicobacter pylori and treated last January after a few months of "indigestion " remedies. This worked for a couple of months. Then it was worse than ever. I was seen again by GP in June. I had 2 endoscopy and a CT by September.. I don't have a tumour, I'm 48. They weren't looking for cancer. I suspect the rush is for that reason. 

    Please keep pushing for answers and keep in touch 

    Much love



  • Hi Molly,

    I've been thinking about you. Any news?

    Much love 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PammieD

    Thank you my husband had his first chemo last Monday. He’s very poorly constant vomiting and diarrhoea he can’t eat at our wits end . He was good till the Wednesday afternoon , he has anti nausea pills but he wants to give up he’s finding hard to cope he’s never been ill in his life . We see oncologist again Tuesday and dietitian that’s if we can make the hospital he’s so poorly x