Operation day

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Well this time tomorrow I should have had my operation to remove my stomach. Looking forward to having my ng tube removed in a couple of days and my jej as have had them both in situ since july.  I'm not going to lie I'm scared stiff but need this operation as what the after care is going to be like x

  • Stacey

    Good luck!  It will be the first stage of your recovery!

    Let us know how you get on!



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Good luck!

    I am only 3 weeks post-op and in all honestly it was a MUCH easier experience than I expected. I had 5 hours in theatre, another 3 in recovery because my lactate levels were all over the place, then just one night in PACU/intensive care. I was out 9 days later....would have been sooner but I had a slight chest infection.  The only downsides were all the tubes but it sounds like you already have some of those in place.  Even the pain wasn’t as bad as I expected.

    Honestly, it sounds a bit stupid but it was an absolute breeze compared to how I thought it would be.  You’ll be fine, you’re in good hands :-)

  • FormerMember

    It is natural to be scared. I told myself that although this was a rare experience for me my surgeon does this all day every day so it is a very routine and successful operation to them.

    There is lots of advice and support available via this group which will help you manage your recovery and your new eating routine and any issues you might experience. So please post asking any questions you might have.

    Good luck with your operation tomorrow x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck Stacey, another step on the path to recovery. You will be fine. 

    thinking of you xx