General day to day medication post treatment

  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

Its been a while since I last posted. Brief history - Mum diagnosed with stomach cancer December 2018, partial removal of stomach, gall bladder and proportion of small intestine Jan 2019. Cancer found to of spread to pelvis and spine. 6 rounds of EOX chemo finishing in August 2019. All cancer responded well to treatment and currently on no medication. 

Mum has an oncology review on Tuesday and just trying to arm myself with some knowledge as "knowledge is power". I find it strange that my Mum is currently on no medication at all. Other than repeated urine infection in which she has been given antibiotics she has very little symptoms of her cancer other than reduced portion sizes of food and weight lose.

Just wondered if other people were on no medication post treatment? and vice versa what medication are people on? Chemo for bone mets, steroids to help with the eating? Hit me with it all.   

Thanks, C. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi C

    I had a partial gastrectomy in December 2018. I did have chemo before and after surgery but apart from some creon capsules to slow down the digestive process which I took for about 6 weeks, I now take no other medication other than that prescribed for my other health issues.

    I must admit it felt odd going from handfuls of meds and injections each day to nothing for the cancer but if the cancer has been removed following surgery, I guess there is nothing left to treat. Not everyone gets chemo post surgery but with my type of cancer, it is a belt and braces approach to eradicate any of those nasty cancer cells that may have been left behind.  Might be worth asking the oncology team about chemo in case this is an option.

    My biggest problem post surgery was the weight loss. Not only didn’t I have an appetite, every time I ate I had severe diarrhoea. I was prescribed the creon capsules by my oncologist to slow down the passage of food through my new plumbing. These worked really well and although I struggle to put weight on, I can at least maintain it now. 

    Good luck for your mums review on Tuesday and do keep asking questions of the consultant and on here.
