Op Time!

  • 11 replies
  • 26 subscribers

This is it, in about 12 hours I’ll be getting taken down for my TG.  Thanks for all the advice and kind words up to now guys, see you on the flip side! :-)

  • FormerMember

    All the best Andy. 

    Loads of people on here have had the same procedure so you will get all the help and support you need.

  • Andy

    Good luck!  You will be glad to get it over I am sure!  It’s honestly not as bad as you think!  I thought of it as having climbed a mountain and I had a last bit to do before it got easier and it would be downhill!

    You will be well looked after by the team in the hospital.

    Let us know how you get on and if we can help with any advice!

    Take care!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jacquiw10

    Hello Andy hope all has gone ok. And your on your way to recovery. Please keep us all updated on your  progress. I have been given my date for the 28th of oct so not long xx

  • Alright guys, op went ok as far as we know, didn’t come out of theatre until about 5pm and they kept me in recovery for another 3 hours then in PACU unit in intensive care where I am now. Back to Ward later or tomorrow. I have tubes in both wrists, a central line in my neck, epidural in my back, jejunostomy feeding tube into my bowel, Cather in my bladder with a tube out of my old boy, a drainage tube up my nose (which is horrendous) and into my gullet and oxygen clips in my nose too. Basically I need a plumber! Other than that I’m ok already got me sitting up in a chair. I am very very drained and sore but the epidural is amazing and all the staff cannot do enough.   Looking good so far!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Andy_C

    So glad everything went ok and your on you way to recovery  all the best  xx

  • Good news Andy!  The tubes will come out one by one !  It will feel so much better! That first cup of tea will be so good!

    Take care


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Andy_C

    Great news Andy. 

    I remember all the lines, tubes etc.! My daughter and I work for the same company and my team ran a book (I thought this was hilarious) on the total number of tubes I would come out of theatre with so as well as waiting to hear how surgery had gone from her they were also waiting to see who won the “plug pool” as they called it. As each day passes and more tubes get unplugged you will feel so much more comfortable. God bless the epidural too!  

    Wishing you all the very best and a great recovery! 


  • Still going strong, been a lot easier than anticipated. I got through the swallow test with no problems yesterday and I am walking/shuffling about pretty well.  Biggest issue so far has been trouble with the breathing exercises because I’ve had a lot of reaped air making it hard to expand my chest properly, but that’s most passed now. Also had a bit of a temperature but nothing they’re concerned about.

    Had my N-G drain disconnectedness night and the tube is coming out this morning so I can at least drink fluids now.  My ever so brilliant fentanyl epidural has been switched off and is coming out today along with the catheter. I have been warned the pain is going to really hit in a few hours I’ve been prescribed liquid morphine.  

    All in all doing pretty good. They are looking to let me out early next week :-)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Andy_C

    Well done you keep up the good work xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Andy_C

    Great news Andy. Glad you’re doing so well x