My dad is terminal Im so confused

  • 1 reply
  • 24 subscribers

Hi Everyone my dad got a TG last year and was supposed to be on the road to recovery this year. We have just been told that cancer has came back and is basicly spread all around what used to be his stomach and is aggressive, he also has fluid in lungs too. We are very confused and upset how this has happened so soon after the original cancer being contained and the overall surgery going successful. My dad got flot intense chemo before and after op aswell. Oncology team have said theres nothing they can do and have said to enjoy what time he has left at home with family.

Has anyone had a similar experience??


  • Hi Nina

    Discovering that your dad has been given a terminal diagnosis is a very upsetting experience and I'm sure all the family are devastated.

    I think that you might benefit from joining the supporting someone with incurable cancer group where you can discuss your worries with others who have someone close to them with a terminal diagnosis.

    To join just click on the link I've created and then choose 'join this group' on the page that opens.

    Sending a supportive (((hug)))  

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