Life after a full gastrectomy

  • 19 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I would like to hear from anyone that has had a full gastrectomy and how they are coping with eating 

  • Hello Cit,

    I had a total gastrectomy in October last year. The first 6-8 weeks I was very careful n had soups, porridge, mashed potato , eggs, etc. At the beginning I couldn't eat very much and was also using feeding bags - these have ha 1500 calories a day. Over time these were reduced to alternate days then stopped altogether.

    In the early days I had a few episodes of burning in my chest - this was relieved by sitting up in bed, Gaviscon and drinking cold milk. I used to chew my food very well and still try to do so. It can get uncomfortable if you don't chew food properly and can take quite a while to settle down - an hour sometimes.

    As time has gone on I am able to eat larger amounts but I still have 3 small meals and 3/4 snacks each day. I find if I eat small.amounts at regular times I don't run out of energy and can be active most of the day.

    I'm able to eat most things - I'm Indian and have been eating spicy food with no problems. I cook at home rather then takeaways, although I've managed half a fillet of fish from McDonald's! 

     I've found that I'm.still getting diarreaha most days - just once in the morning. I've been told this is because food is moving too fast through and so I have 1 Imodium tablet each morning. It isn't the food that I eat but rather the new digestive system settling down.

    I hope this helps but please ask any questions you have - I'm happy to reply.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Merge

    Hello Marge this is some really useful information I'm due a full gastrectomy after next chemo round. It's really helpful listening to people that have been through it .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Can I ask how your operation went and the recovery from it please.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Stacey.

    I had my Operation on the 13th August, it lasted 7 hours which is not unusual. I was advised before the operation that it could take anything from 4 to 8 hours.

    I had a full Gastrectomy, it was performed by a robot called Da Vinci, Guided by my Surgeons, after the operation I went into H.D.U I was there for 24 hours and then moved on to a ward. 

    Yes like you and many others I was afraid and anxious, its only natural that we have these feelings and fears, but you are in Safe Hands. 

    Day 1 In H.D.U.I was on a Drip and was only given a sponge to wet my lips.

    Day 2 I was moved onto the ward and was allowed to have 30ml of water and hour but no solid food.

    By Day 4 I was told that I could Have Small Amounts Of What they call Soft Food, Soup Rice Pudding, Ice Cream Etc. But remember Small Amounts, The Doctors will advise you.

    After The Operation Just take things Easy Remember Your Body Needs Rest To Recover, 

    I Was Discharged From Hospital On Day 8 Minus My Tummy, And Doing OK Eating is Getting Better, Small Amounts But Often, Just Remember Take it Easy. Its Day 15 Now since the Operation And Thank God Everything Is Going Well, 

    I know its Easy to say, but stay Strong and positive all will be as I say "The Finest"

    If you need to ask me anything feel free to do so, If I can be of any help I'm here.

    Take Care In My Thoughts


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your reply. I'm so scared of this hole process. Chemo is taking everything out of me and still have one to go before scan to see if they going to operate or more chemo. I want the operation out the way havent eaten or drank in 9 weeks it's all feed through a jej due to the cancer. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm so glad things are going well for you and your on the road to recovery. And slowly being able to eat. How do you feel in yourself x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Stacey

    Stay Strong I know its easy to say but you have to be, you will get through this, it's a tough road to travel but you will do it.... 

    I feel fine in myself nearly all of the time,  but I do have my down moments but they dont last long Think Positive Think All Will Be The Finest......

    Stacey I've had the operation and like you I was worried and apprehensive about everything, but all went well and now on the road to recovery.

    Stay Strong Stacey

    You can ask me anything 

    Nige x

  • Hello Stacey, 

    Sorry for the delay in responding - I haven't been on here for a while!

    Operation went well , pain relief was managed very well. I had 3 days in ICU then 8 days on a surgical ward. The physiotherapist came round on the first day after the operation and had me sitting up and walking on the spot. I was given breathing exercises to do every hour , and told to increase my time sitting up each day. This was followed by walking about and then trying to walk up and down some stairs.

    I was on nil by mouth for five days , then allowed water , followed by juice. Then it was soup , porridge , milk , yoghurt etc in small amounts. By the time I went home I could shower by myself and eat soft food in small amounts.

    I had my operation on 15th October and by Christmas I had recovered quite well.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Merge

    Hi since my gastrectomy I have learnt that to eat little and often, don.t drink too much definately not during or just before eating.... I find if I sit still for half an hour after eating I am find.... I have retained my weight at the same level for over 9 mths now which I do keep a check on... my only problem is sleeping, I cannot lie down I get dreadful reflux and indigestion whilst I take Gaviscon etc., we have now invested in an electric bed which has helped considerably because I was propped up by 8 cushions around my body, the electric bed is a double one with each side having it's own movement, believe me I wish we had bought it months ago.. I still get up during the night but I do sleep longer, thank goodness for old films on YOUTUBE... they keep me going through the night when I come downstairs... meanwhile I keep postiive... we never know if it will come back and where it will hit... but it seems the 15 lymph nodes they took showed no cells at all.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Merge

    Hi Merge,

    I have just read your post, and what nice summary of information!! And congratulations on your recovery.

    My husband who is 39 this will have his surgery on Tuesday if all goes well.

    I would like to ask you whether you had your surgery open or laporoscopiclly.

    And also, do you have any recommendation for things to take with to the hospital?

