Stomach cancer metastasis in peritoneum

  • 18 replies
  • 25 subscribers


After 9 months of feeling well and hopeful that I had perhaps beaten stomach cancer I was hit by the bombshell that it has metastasized into my peritoneum.  I am currently undergoing FLOT chemo having just completed my third session. 

Is there anyone else out there who has experienced this? I feel in need of some support. 


  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear that. I joined this group and learn and got lot of support from there. I wish you will beat it.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for responding.  I don't want to put anything on social media about my illness so I'd rather not join this FB group.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I will pray for you. In the mean while, maybe it is worth to ask your oncologist about HIPEC procedure. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi I am really sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. As you already know there is plenty of support on here but if you want a private chat please message me anytime. 

    Take care

    Donna xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi I am really sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. As you already know there is plenty of support on here but if you want a private chat please message me anytime. 

    Take care

    Donna xxx

  • Oh AM I am just gutted for you!  You helped me so much so now is your turn to get support here.   You got through the treatment before so stay positive and don’t look too far ahead.

    FLOT is a very good treatment but there will be other options.

    Happy for you to PM me if I can help at all!

    Sending hugs xx


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember

    I’m so very sorry to hear this AM, you’ve always been such a support to me, this is just very unfair. 

    I don’t have any experience of this as you know but always here to lend an ear when needed. 

    I really hope that FLOT is successful, I know it’s hard going and my heart goes out to you. 

    Much love

    lou x

  • FormerMember

    Hi AMlux

    So sorry to hear your news seems there is a lot of support on here for you.

    I haven’t been on the forum for a good few months now due to my journey being pretty fraught !!

    I was diagnosed back in Sept 18 with stomach cancer had three lots of ECX and scheduled full gastrectomy for the 18th January. The op went ahead but only when I woke up did they tell me they could not remove my stomach due to it spreading to my peritoneum.

    Once I had recovered I went back to my oncologist to be told I had 6-12 months !!

    Me and my husband went home cried a lot and tried to get our heads around this.

    My husband then decided that this wasnt going to be it for me so started his research into what could be done.

    He knew that to help me at all we would have to look at HIPEC now this is where we came unstuck in this country as they only offer it in some hospitals for colon and appendix cancers. 

    This is where my journey begins in Germany I found a Professor who specialises in this treatment and was able to remove my stomach with the tumour and treat the peritoneum. I am 6 weeks post op and have to say have really struggled but I’ve had a double whammy all surgery and chemo in one hit !

    Its still very early for me and i am faced with the FLOT which I still had to fight to have going forward but my oncologist ok’d last week and I should start it in a month or so.

    I’m not due to fly back to Germany until Sept so it’s still a nervous time until then. However I left there with 99% of the tumour removed and my markers down to 1.5.

    I am both saddened and annoyed that my journey ended up in Germany but I wasn’t ready to give up on my life just yet. But thank goodness they could help.

    I do believe that our NHS will eventually start looking at this treatment for other cancers but just how long will that take as not everyone gets to be able to wait and find out !

    The unfortunate side to all this is it was costly but no way near as costly as some countries were offering and I fully appreciate that this is not something some would be in a position to look into. I have some wonderful friends that set up a crowd funding page and raised quite a lot to help me try and win this battle.

    I hope this has helped in some way but please feel free to private message me if you have any questions.

    All the very best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Bev,

    Thanks for your response. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. Having already been there once I feel it's so unfair that I am back again and in a worse situation than before. 

    I had a sub-total gastrectomy in December 2017 and the tumour was removed. I'd had FLOT before and after the surgery and my tumour markers were between 1.5 and 2.1 over the next year. I'd had my quarterly check up at the beginning of March and everything was fine but within a month I was feeling unwell and new diagnosis was made in May. I'm just about to face session 4 of FLOT on Thursday. 

    My oncologist was on holiday when I had my last session and is away again this time so I've not had a chance to have a discussion with him but I'm going to mention HIPEC. I think they will reassess my situation after the 4th chemo and decide what's next. I'm having my treatment in Luxembourg. 

    I've sent you a friend request so that I can message you. 

    Take care and sending love and hugs to you. 

    AM x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jacquiw10

    Thanks Jac.  I've messaged you. 

    Sending love and hugs to you. X