How to put on weight?

  • 14 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi, my dad has lost a lot of weight since having cancer. He has had x4 rounds of flot chemo, a TG and 1 round of post op flot chemo so far. We have never seen him look so skinny and frail. All the family are worried. Does anyone have any tips/advice on how he can try and put weight back on? Thank you

  • Hi, any updates. Why it comes up as a former member?

  • Hi Careful, I'm still very much here! My dad continues to do well after stage IV and a TG - it will be seven years since his diagnosis in May. Hope you're doing okay too.

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.

  • I think that people who made the decision to leave the group are tagged as former members, though their posts remain.

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.

  • Thank you. Are you in uk not familiar with this system, not sure how to read your profile