Stomach cancer 4cm

  • 25 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi all

i went for a chest xray last Autumn after a persistent cough and they found I had a large hiatus hernia. They assumed this was causing the cough and suggested I have endoscopy to check. During that procedure they found 4cm tumour at top near to.oesophaguus and suggested PET scan which showed containment and one lymph indeterminate. 

I started FLOT chemo last week and have 4 in total before surgery around mid April. I gave up alcohol on diagnosis and been trying to get fit, eat and sleep well as I’ve been told that improves outcome, especially after surgery. 
chemo is horrible but mainly because I’m normally very busy and sitting around feeling poorly is extremely dull but I feel like the fight back has at last started. I know it could have been a lot worse and my surgeon thinks it’s treatable.

i have my sons wedding in June and im hoping to be there and reasonably well. I’m very unsure of life without a stomach as I love long lunches and socialising. 

im 59 and otherwise fit and healthy any advise will be welcome. 

  • Hi, I’m a 60 year old female starting chemo today, like you 4 rounds then surgery, feeling apprehensive but like you say the fight begins here, so sorry no advice but good luck to you x

  • Well best of luck with it, let me know how you get on and happy to chat anytime about  our progress. How did you find out? 

  • Hi Peter my advice to you is keep as fit as you can it will aid your recovery time. I found post op chemotherapy harder than the pre op. I still have numb feet 12 months after my last session. If everything goes well you will be fine to attend your son's wedding.Good luck .

  • Thanks, I’ve not been told I need post op chemo yet, I’ll be gutted if that’s the case. 
    I was training a lot before the chemo but I’m struggling now as so tired all the time. My Mrs is worried about me mixing with others as well in case I pick up any illnesses etc. 

  • Hi, I began feeling unwell last April, thinking it was a stomach bug I went to the GP early May, after months of seeing the GP, having nausea, fatigue and losing weight they finally sent me for a gastroscopy and biopsies which found the tumour. Then had a laparoscopy early December. The wait for treatment was the worst but I’m now sitting in the chair awaiting my first treatment to start. Hope you’re feeling well today and you will get to that wedding x

  • Welcome to our group!  It’s really good that you were very fit before treatment started as it does help you get through treatment though it is very tough!  I had chemo and a partial gastrectomy five years ago.  I went back to work on a phased return six weeks after surgery.  So June is a realistic possibility for you to go to your son’s wedding.  
    There is life without a stomach!  I now eat and drink pretty much as before but smaller portions!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Is that same with total gastrectomy though? It would be nice to have the odd glass of wine again and I’ll be a cheap date at least! 

  • Yes I think the recovery can be a big more difficult and takes longer but others will confirm that they can eat and drink pretty normally! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Yes Peter a couple of small wines I’m sure will be ok, we went on holiday end of last year, my husband had a couple of Baileys a night only small and that was the first alcoholic drink since his TG last Jan. He was fine and I’m thinking Baileys has a few calories in it !! X

    Sue Xx
  • Thanks Sue, to be fair alcohol is low down list of priorities at moment, I’ve got 3 more chemo sessions to go before surgery so being in decent shape is my main concern.