I had an endoscopy in January 2018. They found a 2cm x 1cm GIST and said it was benign. In 2019 I had a follow up endoscopy and CT scan but I can't remember or find the results of that.
Fast forward to two days ago and I had another endoscopy with ultrasound. The GIST has grown to 2.2cm x 1.5cm and has started to calcify. Does anyone know what the calcification could mean?
They also found an indent in my stomach which they said could be my liver pressing on my stomach. I do seem to have some discomfort in my stomach that feels like something is pressing on my main artery. Kind of like when you're pregnant and you can't lie on your back because the baby puts pressure on your artery.
I'm due another CT scan but I'm honestly so confused. So far I haven't been told I have cancer. And the word benign was only mentioned in 2018. To me a GIST means cancer?
I'm so frustrated because I'm just handed the results by a nurse after the endoscopy and it never gets discussed with me by anyone. Not even my GP.
I feel like I'm always preparing for the GIST being cancerous and left to good old google with the gobbledygook results they give me. Which is obviously very scary.
Thank you
Sorry to hear about your situation it must be a worrying time. It might be a good idea to ask the specialist nurse or the doctor for more information. Sometimes when you go to a appointment it’s really overwhelming and you leave with more questions than answers!
Do you have a date for the CT scan? That should move things forward. They will have taken biopsy at the endoscopy so that will confirm if it is cancerous.
It may not be! Even if it is there’s a lot of different treatment options, the worst time is not knowing!
It helps to post on this group as there are lots of people with very positive stories!
Take care and good luck!
Hi I'm due surgery next month to have the tumour taken out and a wedge of my stomach. They said it looks to be T2N0M0 but will know more once they'ce tested it properly.
Will have a look at that thank you :) I'm now with a specialist hospital and they've explaimed alot more. I'm feeling quite positive.
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