Laparoscopy update

  • 3 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Had my laparoscopy yesterday..

Good news is that the malignant lesion found on the CT Scan is smaller than first thought.

Bad news is that numerous white spots were found on the underside of the stomach which have been biopsied. Hence the situation is not operable and I need to put my affairs in order sooner rather than later.

I should get a palliative care plan soon which will include a stent to enable me to eat and an appointment with the oncologist to arrange chemotherapy.

i shall continue to update when more information becomes available.

  • FormerMember

    Hi. I am sorry to hear your news but it’s good that the tumour was smaller than anticipated.  Hopefully the stent and chemo will help your situation. I know it’s difficult but try and stay positive and look after yourself. Keep in touch.

    Take care

    Donna. Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi. I am also sorry you got that news but please don’t give up hope yet, despite what the doctors have said. There are so many people on here who have been given similar news and are still around for a long time after!

    My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer at Christmas and laparoscopy in Feb confirmed it had spread with spots in peritoneum. He is on palliative care and has 5 rounds of chemo which he is coped with reasonably well. He has lost a lot of weight but still manages to eat small amounts and is mobile and fairly well considering. Initially at start of year we weren’t even sure if he’d still be here now so this is all positive. 

    He has results of latest scan next week but we’re remaining positive that every day he is here is still a day he could beat it as anything is possible.  
    I wish you the best of luck for you chemo and please do keep us updated, I find this site very helpful personally.

  • I read your last post message and wanted to say that  you are important and your replies to this group  are a source of support. Please keep in there and know that we are thinking of you.