Second line of treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Quick background Mum was diagnosed in Dec 18, partial removal of stomach and 30 nods Jan 19. Cancer present in 3 nods and spotting seen on spine and pelvis. 6 rounds of EOX chemo finishing in August 19. Brilliant couple of months getting back to "normal". Jan 2020 smallish tumour found on right side of abdomen.

We're due a rescan end of March and then further treatment will be decided. The oncologist mentioned "different drugs" for this second line of chemo since Mum was so sick with EOX. Has anyone on here had a second line of chemo, could you shed some light on the drugs? An immunotherapy trial has also been mentioned, will get more info on this end of March. Has anyone on here had immunotherapy?

Cheers, C.   

  • Hi there,

    Sorry I didn't see this before... busy times...

    second line treatment can be with taxanes - paclitaxel or docetaxel. But given that your mother was put on EOX and only had six cycles, she might be able to have FOLFOX - which is oxaliplatin and 5-FU or Capecitabine (same drug, in different forms). Alternatively there is FOLFIRI - oxaliplatin, irinotecan, 5-FU.

    Immunotherapy can be really beneficial for those who are PD-L1 positive or who are MSI high - hopefully the trial will test for these or you could ask and see if they will test for you. It's possible to pay for the tests but I think they run to around £1000.

    Hope this helps,

    SDH x

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to SDH

    Hi SDH,

    It made me quiet stronger after reading your dads story. I have been hearing every worse possible things about this since my dad was diagnosed with Linitis Plastica. I had sent you a friend request so that I can PM you. Hope its alright. Looking forward to speak to you.

    Thank you 


  • My husband is currently on an immunotherapy trial at the Royal Marsden, he managed to get in it a week before they stopped trials due to COVID-19 . He made the choice to do the trial rather than face more chemo . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to SDH

    Hello SDH

    i was so inspired to read your profile about your Dad as I am in almost exactly the same situation as his original diagnosis.

    I would love to speak with you more, so I have sent you a request.

    Hope to hear from you soon.