Biopsy by a surgical practitioner

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

After having 4 ops on a BCC on the side of my nose, I've noticed another small suspicious lesion. I've been summoned for biopsy in January. I'm worried because I was seen by a surgical practitioner in out patients, and have been told that she will probably do the biopsy. I'm worried that she will not do the job as well as my consultant, who I trust and like. Have other people experienced this?

  • Hi Woodsider welcome to the forum..I think this is a person who works and is trained by the surgeon as the surgeon themselves are unable to do everything by themselves. In my GP practice for example I have Nurse Practitioners who can do many of the jobs the GPs do and then Advanced Nurse Practitioners who undertake Advanced Practice to be almost the same as the GP. Your surgical practitioner may be an advanced nurse working in a hospital setting and we also have a few of them.Maybe some of the other lovely folks on here may know or have experienced care by this group of professionals. I'm.sure whatever the case you will be in good hands. 


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  • Thanks Gail. I'm glad to be getting the treatment I need more promptly than before, but just worryng about disfigurement.