Efudix cream

  • 7 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Can anyone advise me if and where they can get this cream from please. My husband got his private prescription for it today and no chemist or hospital pharmacy can obtain it.  They all say there is a problem and suppliers cannot obtain it.  This seems strange as it is often talked about on this forum that people are using it, but we can't obtain it.  Many thanks everyone x

  • Hi harlyn. I had a problem getting it and I had to go round different pharmacies.... it's very frustrating when it's something that you really need... I had to keep ringing them up and going in... I eventually rang the consultants secretary and managed to get some at a chemist that had just got a supply.... it may be a case of keeping on at the pharmacies on a day to day basis I'm afraid 

  • Or the consultant might decide to prescribe another cream which does the same thing....  

  • Hi Harlyn I got some about 3 weeks ago - I always find Boots well stocked and very helpful. Plus they answer the phone ! Good luck with your search xx

  • Hi Harlyn....   have you been able to get the effudex yet?

  • No we havent. Roger still waiting for reply from Consultants Secretary as to what we should do.  Tried all chemists within a 6 mile radius.  Boots told us not available in their warehouse (which is 5 miles from our house) so she said will affect all Boots stores once their stock has gone.  As soon as you mention the word they immediately say no hope !!! One chemist never answers the phone so not sure on that one.  It isnt good is it as it is prescribed such a lot.

  • Just got diagnosed with muliple AK spots on my face and thinking about Photodynamic Therapy.  Has anyone tried this and is it better than cream or liquid N2 ?  Thanks

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

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