Sentinel node biopsy after effects

  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers

Hi I had a sentinel node biopsy carried out 8 days ago and there is slight swelling on my leg, it is sore to touch and it feels warm although there are no problems in the stitched area. Is this normal. Any advice gratefully received. Thank you 

  • Hi  

    You should have been given information, including where to contact, if you notice anything unusual after your SLNB. If you haven't, take a look at this information from Cancer Research UK, especially the sections on pain, infection and swelling that are under the heading 'possible risks of a sentinel lymph node biopsy'.

    If you haven't been given a contact number, and as it's the weekend, you should ring NHS111 and speak to them and they will arrange for you to see a doctor if necessary.

    Hopefully, it'll be nothing to worry about but it would be best to get it checked out.

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