Mohs facial healing

  • 2 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I had mohs surgery on Monday. They successfully removed the bcc after two passes. I had surgery last August ( not mohs) which involved a skin graft that was unsuccessful.

ive taken my dressings off tonight. Can anyone advise if facial massage machines are okay to use? If so, when from? The skin is very tight. It’s around my mouth Disappointed

any word of advice on healing would be very much welcomed 

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm glad to hear that your recent surgery was successful and it's natural that you want to try to help your skin return to normal.

    I have no experience of using a facial massage machine so wouldn't know if they're safe to use so close after surgery. I've used the search bar in the group to look for previous posts which mention them but have drawn a blank.

    You could post this question in the ask a nurse section of the community and one of the specialist nurses will aim to respond within 2 working days.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thanks - i will do that