Is this sinister?

  • 8 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I just had a baby and I felt a new mole come up on my head. I went to the dermatologist and he said it looked normal and it could just be from the pregnancy hormones. Now this morning I have noticed that it’s gone crusty/flakey. It’s also gone from being pink to now having black streaks through it. I am now waiting for another appointment with the dermatologist. 


  • Hi  and welcome to the online community

    It's always stressful when you notice something different about your skin. None of us are medically trained, so can't tell you if it's sinister or not, but you've done the right thing in getting referred to see a dermatologist. 

    Hopefully, it won't be anything to be concerned about, but do come back and let us know how you get on. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi, I'm really sorry to jump inin on this post, but every time I try to get to my last post or start a discussion, its telling me access is denied... No idea why!

    But LATCHBROOK, it's you I'm trying to get hold of to reply to you!

    How do i do this?!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    OK, so I've  still no clue what I do here as it wont allow me to start a discussion!

    So I'm just going to update here!

    I was misdiagnosed BCC over 3 & half years ago, taking into account the wait for the first specialist, it's now been left to grow for 4 years.

    I had the biopsy confirming the on my face, just below my eye. They've gone on and on about the scar I'll have, I'm not bothered, a scar doesn't define me. I just want it out!

    Finally 2 months ago after my first visit on the latest mess, I was told I'd have to be wide awake and the wait will be 9 months! I was disgusted since it's been left for 4 years total!

    He told me they'll have to do a skin graft to make me a bottom eyelid! Awake! Won't be able to close my eye so I'll see! I asked why he said they don't do sedation or anaesthetic, he shrugged and said they just don't!

    I've been a mess! I've had meltdowns that I've never had in my life! Crying for stupid reasons, the lot!

    I saw my gp and told her everything. She was also horrified! She wrote a letter to the plastic surgeon whose operating on me. 2 days later I got an apmt for the Friday! I didn't think it was the Dr's letter, it was too soon! But it was!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It wouldn't let me continuee....

    So I saw the registrar who spoke with the surgeon, but before he did he asked me to tell him everything! So I did! But when I got to the being wide awake past he stopped me! He looked shocked and sharply said,

    "who told youyou that?!"

    Exact same response of my gp! I told him it was one of his Dr's! Cos this guy is the registrar! He told me they DO do sedation and they DO do anaesthetic!

    He told me I've nothing to worry aboutabout, coscos I won't know a thing! I'll be heavily sedated or have a general! But that decision is the anaesthetics decision. If he thinks sedation is to dangerous for me, he'll do the general.

    I've other health issues you see, and the stuff they use for sedation can have a detrimental affect on me.

    He then told meme I'm having a skin flap which will be taken from my neck. Thing is, I was that relieved, I didn't ask what a flap was! lol

    He has told meme in going to have quite a scar. Now I know this has been their worry all along, but I'm not bothered, I want thethe cancer gone, end of. A scar doesn't define me, it's another battle wound that I've beaten!

    So then, does anyone know what exactly whatwhat it is, and do you think this will mean I won't need an eyelid?

    Oh, and it won't bebe 9 MONTHS wait!

    It will be within 8 WEEKS!!

    Bit of a difference I think! lol lol

    I told him, I'm not bothered what they do, as long as I'm asleep! Cos I'm not. The meltdowns etc, no idea why? Apart from the fact I've lived in fear for 2 months thinking about how I'll be, petrified!

    And I'm by no means a wimp! I told him that! Told him I've had 2 brain tuumours, 2 mouth tumours, 8 tumours in total and whatever else he could see on my notes and nothing, and I mean, nothing has ever got in my head! But this has!

    He reassured me not to worry, cos either way, I'll not know a thing!

    So my question is, what is a skin flap, which he's going to take from my neck does he just plonk it over the hole I'll have in my face? lol

    Sorry if that sounds fickle! It's not, I'm just wondering what I'll wake up to?

    Thanks for reading!


  • Hi 

    I'm sorry that you're experiencing problems with the site. The only reason that I can think of why you can't start a discussion is because you're not logged in. If you're not logged in you can still read and reply to posts but you can't start your own.

    To check if you're logged in go to the top of the page and you should see your name. Clicking on your name gives you the option of logging out. If instead of seeing your name you see the words 'log in' then just click there and complete you log in details, remembering to click in the 'remember me' box so that each time you come back to the site you don't have to log in again.

    As I didn't have the type of excision that you're having I'm afraid I have no experience with skin flaps. However, I have found this information for you.

    Once you've logged back in you can then start your own discussion to ask for people's experiences with skin flaps.

    You've had treatment for so many cancers already that I guess you already have coping strategies in place for while you're waiting. I immersed myself in my hobbies, others clean the house from top to bottom while lots of people use mindfulness apps. Let us know what works best for you as it may be a useful tip for others.

    Unfortunately a 9 month wait isn't uncommon for BCCs as they are usually slow growing and rarely spread to other areas of the body. However, the fact that you'll have your surgery within the next 2 months is great news. I'm hoping that now you also know that you will have some form of sedation you will feel a lot more comfortable about everything.

    Do let us know when you get the date through for your procedure.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi at last! lol

    The old account will not work, so I'll be keeping this.

    The Dr telling me I'd wait 9 months shouldn't have told me that. The registrar wasn't happy with him. Also he shouldn't have told me if be awake, because I won't be. 

    So I'm in standby, 

    they'they've given me a name and number and that's the one they'll phone me on to get in right away.

    I'm going the sooner the better!

    Do you know what they do with the flap? They'll take the graft from my neck, but how will they attach it to my face?

    And thankthank you for getting back to me!


  • Hi

    As I didn't have the type of excision that you're having I'm afraid I have no experience with skin flaps. However, I have found this information for you.

    I noticed that you have also posted this question in 'ask a nurse' so you should get a reply from one of the specialist nurses shortly.

    You could also start a new thread in this group, as we've rather hijacked Nat00's thread, asking for people who've had a skin flap to tell you about their experiences.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    How did you get on when you went to see a dermatologist about a mole you were worried about? Hopefully, it's turned out to be nothing to be concerned about.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"