Camouflage Makeup for Skin Graft

  • 27 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I had MOHS followed by plastic surgery for bcc on my nose in Feb this year.  The plastic surgeon did a large skin graft (skin taken from my neck) on my nose.  

I am at the stage where I really want to put camouflage makeup on my skin graft, but, after having a consultation with a Camouflage expert, I felt the makeup Veil (followed by a press powder0 actually looked worse on the graft than the graft itself (as it looked really cakey and thick!).

The question is:  can anyone suggest any makeup which works to hide their skin graft?  I put a layer of Kelo-cote silicon gel to keep the graft soft, then a layer of sun tan lotion over the top (after the silicon gel drys).  I'm after a foundation which I can easily apply and doesn't cake.

I don't normally wear a lot of makeup, so the more natural the better.

Suggestions/tips  really appreciated 

  • Hi 

    It's good to hear that you want to protect your skin with as high a SFP as possible. However, it's just as important to make sure you're following these recommendations and only use sunscreen on the parts of your body that can't be covered, eg face, back of hands.

    • wear close weave cotton clothing in the sun
    • wear long sleeves and trousers/skirts
    • wear a hat with a wide brim that shades your face and neck (very fashionable this year girls!)
    • wear sunglasses that give 100% UV protection
    • use a high factor sunscreen on any bits of exposed skin (SPF 30 or 50 ideally)
    • spend time in the shade when the sun is at it's strongest (usually between 11am and 3pm in the UK)
    • never sunbathe (or as the Australians say sunbake)

    This sunscreen and sun safety factsheet is produced by the British Association of Dermatologists and gives more tips and information on being safe in the sun.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Suzy

    I too have a collection of hats now lol! .......  I try and keep out of the sun as much as possible.

    Enjoy your vacation in Cuba xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Libra55 - Thank you.  I've looked at Dermaflage, but unfortunely in the UK you can't get samples to see the colour ranges and there are only two locations where you can visit to see what it is like.  The guarantee of return if you do not like the product is only available in the USA, which is a shame, as the product looks really good. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Barbados Girl 33

    i am in Canada and my sun block is by Neutrogena.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I came back from Cuba with a little tan on my legs.  I stayed in the shade and used my Sunblock.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well done xxxxx  Hope you had a good holiday.  I've got to the point now where I dread going outside (even inside I'm wearing sunblock!).  

    I looked at the makeup with spf 50 in them..........  be very careful, as, when you actually contact them they have no rating of stars (for the UVA/UVB) and, from what i've read on the internet, you don't get the correct coverage from UVA.  I'll be  sticking to sunscreen :) 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    After being in Cuba and wearing sunscreen and not getting tanned except for a little on my legs, I’m quite comfortable about going outside with my sunscreen,  if only I’d done that in my younger days,  when I was young a tan was considered healthy.