Punch Biopsy on nose for suspected BCC

  • 26 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I was referred by the doctor at the end of January to the plastic surgery department of my local hospital. The appointment happened on 13th Feb and today I have had my biopsy done. He has taken 3 samples as I have multiple lesions that are suspicious. All clustered around my nose!! I've been beyond anxious the last few weeks. But now they are done I feel more relaxed oddly. Still got to wait 4 - 6 weeks for results. But as I had to go into surgery today, have two big needles jabbed in either side of my nose and 3 punch biopsies and stitches I kind of know what to expect from now on. I'm confident that even if results come back positive they will be able to operate and get rid of the cancer. Think it was more the unknown that made me so anxious. Hope this helps someone else who is worrying. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi MPH 

    Good luck with your biopsy tomorrow. Let me know how you get on.  Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Melsy20

    Well, I had another chat with the Consultant Dermatologist at the skin clinic this am, I explained my fears, he was very supportive and it has been agreed that we would not do the biopsy today after all.  He is going to refer me to a hospital now to a Plastic Surgeon - Dermatology who will do the biopsy and then any manage any other further treatment if required.  I have been advised that it is 'more than likely' a BCC.

    I am happy with this outcome, I will keep you posted as I hope you will do too when you hear anything back from yours.

    I hope you are ok. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi MPH 

    Glad to hear you are happy with how your appointment went today. Good you were able to talk through your concerns and now got the plastic surgeon for your onward treatment. 

    My stitches come out today. And I have my follow up appointment on 3rd April for results. 

    I go round in circles, sometimes I convince myself I've just had plain old skin blemishes biopsied and that I caused a fuss about nothing. But then I think they wouldn't take biopsies if they didn't suspect BCC. Just got to wait and see now. Think that's the worse bit. 

    Do you know how long you have to wait for your biopsy? 

    Definately keep each other posted. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Melsy20

    How has the healing of the biopsies been?  How are the sites following the stitches out?  

    The waiting must be horrendous, It certainly is a roller coaster of emotions, this is just how I am feeling and still got to get the biopsy out of the way!

    They did not indicate when the biopsy will be done as this is another referral in itself now (to the specialist hospital).  I am hoping this will be asap as I want it all addressed quickly.  I too am hoping that it turns out to be just a blemish.

    I have researched a lot online (scary in parts) and I am not clear what warrants excision vs MOHs options.  That is if I have understood correctly both procedures?  

    What I am also discovering is that most people that I have spoken to since my initial apt have either had similar themselves or know of friends or family that have also had BCC's!  Varied experiences, all positive though but most significant feedback being make sure you understand all the treatment options that are available and the potential risk of scarring etc.  

    I am going to speak to my friend's Mum soon who has recently had as I understand 3 removed via Mohs.

    Step by step I guess Pray day by day x 

    Have a good weekend x o x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I forgot to ask before but why did they take you to theatre for the biopsies?   Mine will be at a hospital now so I am wondering if mine will be the same? Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi MPH 

    I'm not sure. I thought I'd just be sat in a room. But Maybe that's just the way they do it. Everyone seemed to be having minor surgery where you could go home the same day. 

    You should get a letter and that may give you an indication of where/how they will do it. 

    Do you know if you are having a shave or punch biopsy?

    Had my stitches out today. One looks good, the other 2 are a bit red and lumpy. Sure they will settle down. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sending lots of healing wishes Raised hands

    I believe it is a punch biopsy.  What did you have? X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi MPH

    stitches have healed fine, one better than the others. But I think that's because that area of skin was flatter anyway. Where the BCC was biopsied it looks like they've just taken the middle of it out. 

    It's the waiting. I know it can all be treated if treatment required. Just the not knowing. 

    You sound like me, looking at everything on internet!

    Also Every one I speak to just says,, oh it will be fine, nothing to worry about!!

    But I can't help worrying. I think it's because it's on our faces. 

    Like you say one day at a time. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Melsy20

    How are you? I totally agree, it understandably is a worrying time and understandably so.  It appears that everyone I have spoken to though has experience of similar situations re. BCC's.  

    What I think I am learning is that it is always good to ask lots of questions re potential scarring etc.  I am assuming that plastic surgeons are required when areas in the face are treated?

    I am still chasing my second referral to the plastic surgical team as I would rather not wait for weeks on end now.  I kind of switched off from it all this week though as I think I exhausted myself with the whole thing, seriously I went in overdrive.  I swear I can feel it more on my upper lip now!

    Anyway, I hope you are ok and have a good week xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I'm ok thanks.

    Have you heard back yet about your appointment? 

    Not much we can do apart from wait. 3 1/2 weeks to go for my results. 

    Even if we do have to have surgery it seems from other people's posts that it heals well. 

    I'm convinced mine will be fine and no further action required. Even though doctor's said BCC!!

    I hope you are ok, it does help talking to someone I  the same position. 

    Helen xx