Waiting, worrying, waiting, worrying...

  • 26 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I found a painless bleeding spot on the back of my upper arm back in early July, stuck a plaster on it and left it.  About 6mm across, it remained open but not bleeding until October, then bled again.  I then started worrying and went to the GP.  He looked carefully at it, and then announced that he thought is was some name that went in one ear and out the other, but basically a surface blood vessel bursting.  But he did say it would have to be "scraped and cauterized".  There was a vague reference about skin cancer, but if it was, it wouldn't be one of the more serious sort.  I left, relieved.

So, the months dragged on - no more bleeding.  December and the minor surgery - curettage.  Now, he announces plainly that it could well be skin cancer, but would have to wait and see.  The surgery took just 5 minutes, and I was shown the door - "The results will be about the end of January".  Once out, my mind ran riot - and has been ever since.  It's now just passed the 5 week mark, and nothing heard.  I've asked several times at the health centre, and all I've been told is that the hospital has to "cultivate" the biopsy for 6-8 weeks.  I've been a nervous wreck for the past 5 weeks, my vivid imagination running riot.  Is this the beginning of the slippery slope?

The advice is to "keep busy", but that doesn't dispel the thirst for answers and knowledge.  "Googling" is a definite no-no, as that's just guaranteed to turn you into a quivering jelly (I've managed to 100% convince myself that it's Basel Cell Carcinoma).  I anxiously await letter or phone call every single day, not sure I want to know the truth.  I find that the absolute worst times are the middle of the night, to awake to reality, and that blasted mind of mine kicks in once again!  I know that there's not a lot anyone can advise, but I just thought I'd share this experience, as I'm sure that it'll be very familiar to many.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh that's great news!  Not great that you had to wait that long but now you can relax a bit more.  I can't think that removal will be a problem - they can do it under local anaesthetic, although I opted for sedation 'cos I'm not very brave!  

    Let us know how you get on.  I'm four weeks from surgery and very happy with the results.....and happy that the darn thing is history.  I'm sure you'll be the same soon. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    At least you now know for certain , 

    soon be gone 

    onwards and upwards 

    Lynne x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks to all for the kind responses.  The camaraderie is worth millions!  Will update as things progress.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just a quick update...  I saw the GP yesterday, who confirmed the BCC diagnosis, had a look at the mended curettage which he performed back in December, and decided that it was small enough for him to remove at the surgery in a minor op.  There's a long waiting list, so it could be some time before I get it done.  In a short conversation (they're always pressed for time), he reassured me that these things, although technically bearing the "cancer" tag, are not a danger, do not spread, and are mainly cosmetic.  However, my historic exposure to the sun has been the cause, and this means that I may be susceptible to more, so to be on the watch for any changes in moles or marks.  I mentioned that those past 10 weeks of waiting were traumatic, to which he appeared surprised.  I still don't think that the psychological impact of not-knowing and wandering imagination, is fully appreciated or supported in general medical circles - at least in my experience.  Anyway, with knowledge of facts has come a level of tranquility, thankfully.  Next update, upon removal, whenever that may be.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Two months shy of one year since I first noticed the bleeding spot on my upper arm, today I had the BCC removed once and for all.  The doc looked at the cauterization he'd done a few months back, and said that it was well healed - that we could leave it and monitor it, with a 50/50 chance of it returning.  Without a moment's hesitation I told him to proceed right-a-way and remove it.  The procedure took only about 20 minutes, and the only thing felt was the initial anaesthetic injection and the stretching during stitching.  It's now nearly 3 hours on, and I still feel nothing, except relief that it's gone.

    I have to say that the very worst thing during the past year was the period of uncertainty, when imagination took over from reason.  It ran riot like a loose cannon on a rolling deck.  The anxiety ventured regularly into almost blind panic.  As a result of my experience, I can only advise people in a similar situation to keep pressing for the result of tests, even if it goes against a quiet personal nature to do so.  Keeping busy in an attempt to divert the mind does help, but is not a cure to the worry.  Above all, talk, discuss - whether person-to-person or by means of this medium.  That helps more than anything.

    Once again, thanks for all who helped me along this rocky road.

  • Hi

    I'm glad to hear that your BCC has finally been removed and hopefully that'll be the end of it! It's also great to hear how helpful you found this forum. Hopefully you'll be able to share your experiences with new people coming to the group in future.

    Be safe in the sun


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