Eyelid Biopsy

  • 1 reply
  • 35 subscribers

My husband needs a biopsy on his eyelid. The dermatologist (youngest and newest in the practice) is planning to do the biopsy.  Because the eyelid is so thin I am wondering if a MOHS surgeon should do the biopsy.  Please share your thoughts and experiences regarding eyelid biopsy.

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, I hope you find it useful.

    I noted your message did not have a reply and wanted you to know it had been noticed. Cannot say we have any experience in this area - perhaps the closest we come would be my wife has had both eyes operated on for cataracts. 

    Perhaps this question is best put to his doctors but normally decisions like this would be made by a team rather than individuals. 

    I hope that however the biopsy is done he gets a clear result so that you can work our what to do next.



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