BCC - fast growing

  • 4 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi all,

I have suspected BCC on my nose (38 female). Noticed a patch of light pink skin that looked a bit odd, within a couple of weeks it had darkened (darker pink) and grown a little, is now slightly raised and ‘pearly’. Went to GP on Tuesday (10/09) who suspected BCC and referred me on the urgent pathway as she was concerned about the speed it had developed. 

Had diagnostic AI today (12/09), wasn’t told anything other than I was remaining on the urgent pathway and would be seen by a consultant dermatologist, so I am assuming the pictures confirmed BCC.

I have an appointment next Wednesday (18/09). I’ve read up on BCC and understand that it’s not aggressive and doesn’t tend to spread elsewhere in the body but I am still terrified. I’m particularly worried about the speed it has developed. I’ve read so much about BCC often being present for months or years but mine has seemingly just appeared in two weeks.

Has this happened to anyone else? Just looking for any kind of reassurance really to talk me down as my anxiety is just out of control. 

  • Hi MrsO1905  I have had two bcc's removed from my face.  One near my nostril which was like a pearly grain of rice and the top kept coming off. My friends said it wasn't too noticeable. It was confirmed by a dermascope and I was referred to plastic surgeon and had it removed by skin flap surgery.  The other was a red scabby mark at the top of my nose right under my eye and near tear duct.  I thought my glasses had rubbed me.  I asked Consultant to look at it and it was inconclusive on dermascope examination so he did biopsy and it was a bcc.  This one grew rapidly and by the time I had operation it was quite large.  I had this removed by skin graft.  Both procedures were done under local anaesthetic and have healed well now but it did take a long time for them to settle down.  I am 75, never sunbathed and never used a sun bed. I was told they can be age related but mostly sun damage.  I use factor 50 sun cream 365 days a year now and am paranoid about being in the sun.  This site is brilliant, ask me any questions you are worried about.  People are so kind and understanding and someone will have been through the same ordeal you are going through. xx

  • Hi Harlyn. 

    thanks so much for your reply. Feels a lot better to know I am not alone in this (though I wish none of us were affected!). The main thing that is worrying me is the speed it appeared and has grown as this is not typical of BCCs so I’ve read. It’s comforting to know that they can appear and grow quickly. 

    I got very burned on my first holiday abroad to Spain when I was 13 and I was in absolute agony. Since then I have been meticulous in the sun and always worn SPF 50, especially on my face. Never used sunbeds and I’m only 38 so it has come as a huge shock. Though the bad burn as a child could well have started the whole thing maybe? 

    Glad you recovered well from your surgeries. 

  • Hi MrsO1905  Yes sometimes these things just appear from nowhere and others grow very quickly. The one near my nostril was different to the one near my eye, The one near my eye grew very quickly once it had been biopsied so think this must have made it spread. Even the Consultant remarked on how big it had got in about 5 weeks, which worried me, but he said dont worry I will deal with it.  People dont really understand when you say you have skin cancer.  My friends used to say its only skin cancer, well yes it is, but it is not nice to have. My Consultant did say if you have to have cancer, and nobody wants it, a bcc is the best one.  It can be cured and doesn't normally spread to other organs etc.  My anxiety, like you was through the roof.  I was continually crying, couldnt sleep.  Getting up in the early hours having a cuppa  My hubby was my rock and understood and reassured me.  This site was my lifeline talking to people like we are does help to calm you, knowing they are in the same boat and lived to tell the tale.  Good Luck and hugs.

  • Just to update - saw consultant dermatologist today and he’s diagnosed Actinic Keratosis and I’ve had cryotherapy with follow up in 4 weeks.

    The AI dermatology actually flagged melanoma which is absolutely terrifying but the consultant was sure it wasn’t melanoma or BCC. Had a good look with the dermascope and said there were no clinical signs of either. He explained that the AI is just a triage tool and it flags ‘possible risks’ for review by face to face consultant. Doesn’t always mean it’s right. 

    I’m obviously very relieved but still nervous. Fingers crossed the cryo works!