Waiting for third operation

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

So my histology results are back and i need another wide excision as there is still no clear margin, i still have squamous cell carcinoma on my upper lip.

Feeling very frustrated, angry, disbelief...my emotions are all over the place

  • Lizzie Dripping I am so very sorry to read this.  Did you have Mohs surgery.  That is alot of operations you are having to endure to get clear margins.  Have they told you when the next one will be. Such a stressful time for you, please geel free to message if you need to rant amd get your stress levels down.  Good Luck xx

  • Not Mohs surgery, first excision had no clear margins so i had wide local excision on 1sr Aug, now have 1 clear margin. Wide local excision planned again for 2nd October ....hoping 3rd time lucky