Waiting for diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi there-first time here!

GP advised me (via text!) that I may have a BCC (on my face) and that I have an urgent referral to ‘plastics’. However, apparently the waiting time for urgent referrals is 29 weeks! Is this usual? 
I understand it’s a slow growing cancer but 29 weeks seems an awful long time to wait for a diagnosis/treatment.

Also not sure what to expect from this first appointment So any advice gratefully received .

thank you.

  • Hi I was referred 29/4 and have my first appointment today. I did have medical photos taken and reviewed by a dermatologist. 
    my appointment is a 16:15 with plastics so I doubt they will do anything other than assess today. 
    I can let you know how it goes later.

  • Thanks 60sBabe!

    does sound like a long wait is normal then!

    hope all goes well for you today. 

  • Hi ,

    just out of the appointment.

    confirmed BCC and will need a wide excision and skin graft! Not quite what I was expecting. 
    They hope to do in next 4 weeks as so near my eye! 
    The plastics consultant was very nice and reassured me that I won’t die from it but it’s my face and may affect my eye and how it looks for a while. 
    it’s a regional centre for plastics and the consultant hopes to do it himself Fingers crossed

    I was planning to go back to work in 3-4 weeks but will need a couple of weeks off due to risk of infection and swelling! 

    keep pushing to be seen. The delay means that you need more extensive treatment. 

    I thought I was making a fuss going to the GP in the first place. 
    they took pictures but no biopsy.

    It’s wait a see now ! 

  • Oh -sounds lot more than just removing it then. Glad you’ve been seen and that a treatment plan is in place for you. That must be a weight off your mind.

    mine is just above my lip-sort of between my lip and nose. The GP said initially that it was nothing sinister but sent photos to dermatologist just in case and they thought it was a BCC! I’ve had it for months and just thought it was a wart or something and that it would just fall off eventually!! I have read that they seem more concerned if it’s on your face so I will continue to push for an appointment.

    tbh I was a bit disappointed just to get a text from the GP telling me I may have cancer!!

    good luck with your treatment and hopefully you’ll be fighting fit soon!

    let us know how you get on.