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I had a small lump on my head and sent a photo to my GP, as it is impossible to get an appointment in person. She said it looked like a pillar cyst and could not be removed on the NHS.

So I went through BUPA and had my appt last week with a consultant who said it isn't a cyst and is fact a BCC. I'm shocked and scared and I have to have an excision in a few weeks time. It's at the top front of my head and my hair is very thin there, and the Dr said he has to cut a larger section of hair there. So I'm guessing I'll wear headbands until it grows back. Did anyone else have it on their head? Does it leave a dent?

I have really bad panic attacks and I know i'll be in a state on the day. Can I be sedated rather than local anasthetic? Is a BCC a big deal? Should I be worried or once it's cut out is that it?

Thanks for your time reading this. 

  • Hi Scoobydooby  What you are feeling is quite normal, I felt the same, couldnt sleep, couldnt eat it is so stressful.  I have had 2 bcc's removed 2 years ago fromm my face. I had skin flap and skin graft surgery.  I wanted to be sedated but the Consultant said I couldnt and I would be fine  I was fine, him and his Nurse talked to me during the whole procedure and it wasnt as bad as I expected.  Scars have healed now although at the time I never thought thery would and I looked a mess.  You can barely tell now.  About 3 months ago I had a pillar cyst removed from my head by the same surgeon, through Bupa like yourself.  I have a small area where the hair is missing but you cant see it and I am massaging now it has healed with Plantar tonic for hair loss and I can see small hairs starting to poke through.  I thought I would be worse on the actual day than I was, once I got into the room and they started the procedure I calmed down.  I am here for you anytime you feel scared as this site was brilliant when I was going through stress We are all here to help one another,  Where do you live I had mine done at Nuffield, Derby

  • Thank you so much for replying, I'm so grateful. I feel reassured by your experience and I will explain to the Dr on the day how I'm feeling. I hope they keep me calm. That's great news about your hair, I will use that too after my procedure.

    I live in London and I'm having the excision close to where I live.

    I will keep in touch, thank you again xx