Clinical diagnosis BCC, awaiting Biopsy results

  • 19 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hello everyone

I have had a lesion on my forhead for a couple of months (I'm guessing february-march). When I don't touch it it's look quite calm but it's also been more red, there was a crust once and it bleeds easily. Anyway, I first went to this esthetical appointment, unrelated to the spot. There was a dermatologist present at the ending of my meeting to recommend which specific creams i should use for my skintype. I asked him about the spot but he said to try the steroid cream and if it didn't work he would freeze it way, that it was probably some sundamage. Then I did a spot scan where they use AI to picture al your spots (no dermatologist present). The spots that worry you they take a dermascopic picture. Then a dermatologist looks at all the pictures. In this review they said it was most likely benign lichenoid kerastosis (but of course this was without my 'story'). They said to go to see a dermatologist after a month to rule out BCC. I went yesterday and 2 doctors suspect BCC. It looked a bit atypical but she said 85% sure. I am so scared. I have already a medical history and received radiation and chemo therapy when I was a child. I've been afraid my whole life (35 now) for a new diagnosis and this feels the start from a cascade of diagnoses. 

I have read about BCC, it is not life-threatening but I cannot help to feel mentally completely knocked of my feet. I have to wait now for the biopsy, she mentioned something that they possible would not need to cut, depening on the biopsy. She talked about peeling of layer by layer, wich I know assume is MOHS? But isn't that cutting? I know realise I probably will have a scar aswell.

Thanks for the support... I have been reading this forum and getting a lot from it. 

  • I asked the same question. I was told radiation can be used after surgery as an adjuvant (additional) treatment to kill any small areas of remaining cancer cells that may not have been visible during surgery or biopsy. This can help lower the risk of cancer coming back after surgery.

    You just have to trust the experts. I don’t really want any treatment that’s not necessary but again I don’t want to risk the cancer returning 

  • Hi TSLIL Yes I am fine now I can see the scars but friends say they cant.  I am a sun hater these days. Just come back from a holiday in Cornwall, fortunately it wasnt that sunny.  Factor 50 every day from March until November I was told, even if I am just hanging washing out.  I always used sun cream and never sun bathed.  I use No 7 facial Sun cream Factor 50, get through loads and I do use it nearly every single day, even Christmas Day.  I have got into a routine and do it with my make up. Good Luck.  Where do you live  I live in Derbyshirexx

  • I really hate it that sitting outside now becomes something 'dangerous', because I really like going outdoors, sitting together with friends, going on a holiday... We're going to somewhere warm in 2 weeks so yeah... won't feel the same. I bought a hat, and SPF 100 for my face and 50 for my body. I haven't sunbathe in a few years but i did sometimes when I was younger... I'm from Belgium

  • Hi all...

    I have a question. Still waiting for the biopsy results so going crazy.

    So I was going back to my pictures and in some of the more recent i see the spot, but for instance in april there is nothing to see. Then i went back to august 2023 and there was a red spot on the same place, one month after in september: nothing to see (or maybe something very minor). The day in august I went to the beach so it might got irritated. But as I see it it went away and it came back, often times in periodes when i was feeling ill. Could BCC almost disapear or be much less noticable and other times be very noticable?

    I of cours assume the doctors are right, two dermatologists diagnosed me with it and they were fairly sure (not 100%). But I don't know if I was happy that I saw it on a pic from august 2023 (to dissapear again) or sad because it must have been here for a long time.

  • Hi TSLIL  I dont think they disappear.  I look at old photographs and think it wasnt there then. Then I look at ones near the time I had it done and yes it was there.  Sometimes more prominent than others.  The top layer of skin would come off and it would bleed slightly, which is a sign of bcc. The one at the top of my nose just kept scabbing over, scab would fall off and the whole process would start again.  I understand fully what you mean about being outside. Just come back from 2 weeks holiday in Cornwall and am paranoid about sun cream. Factor 50 all over. I have it in every bag, pocket and car.  I was told not to even hang the washing out without sun cream on, if it is a sunny day.  Just had a coffee in the garden and had to rush indoors for my sun cream and only out there 15 minutes, as I am in the house doing housework.  It definitely changes your way of life.

  • I hope these feelings will fade a bit and that at least with protection you (and I) can enjoy outdoors again.

    It is really weird, sometimes the spot is really visible and sometimes not at all or not so much. I was suprised it must be longer than than i thought... :-( 6 more days until I know more. I'm really having a hard time.

    It's really awful that something that looks so innocent can turn it to be something else.

  • Yes Mine near my nose looked liked this but one bigger spot whereas yours are more but smaller ones. xx

  • Hello everyone

    I wanted to give an update in case this is helpful for someone in the future. I was indeed diagnosed with superficial BCC. They will use photodynamic therapy to treat it (next month) so they will not need to cut. I hope this not-invasive therapy will sort it out. I'm still feeling down the weather because all of this, hope I can let it go after te spot is gone. 

  • Thanks for the update  and it'll be interesting to see how you get on with the treatment.

    Anne x

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