Clinical diagnosis BCC, awaiting Biopsy results

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Hello everyone

I have had a lesion on my forhead for a couple of months (I'm guessing february-march). When I don't touch it it's look quite calm but it's also been more red, there was a crust once and it bleeds easily. Anyway, I first went to this esthetical appointment, unrelated to the spot. There was a dermatologist present at the ending of my meeting to recommend which specific creams i should use for my skintype. I asked him about the spot but he said to try the steroid cream and if it didn't work he would freeze it way, that it was probably some sundamage. Then I did a spot scan where they use AI to picture al your spots (no dermatologist present). The spots that worry you they take a dermascopic picture. Then a dermatologist looks at all the pictures. In this review they said it was most likely benign lichenoid kerastosis (but of course this was without my 'story'). They said to go to see a dermatologist after a month to rule out BCC. I went yesterday and 2 doctors suspect BCC. It looked a bit atypical but she said 85% sure. I am so scared. I have already a medical history and received radiation and chemo therapy when I was a child. I've been afraid my whole life (35 now) for a new diagnosis and this feels the start from a cascade of diagnoses. 

I have read about BCC, it is not life-threatening but I cannot help to feel mentally completely knocked of my feet. I have to wait now for the biopsy, she mentioned something that they possible would not need to cut, depening on the biopsy. She talked about peeling of layer by layer, wich I know assume is MOHS? But isn't that cutting? I know realise I probably will have a scar aswell.

Thanks for the support... I have been reading this forum and getting a lot from it. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the skin cancer group which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that your dermatologist suspects that the lesion on your forehead is a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and it's perfectly natural to feel as you do.

    I had a BCC removed from my chest a few years ago and opted to have it removed by surgery rather than having a biopsy first and then possible surgery afterwards.

    There are different ways of removing a BCC, including by Mohs' micrographic surgery, and if you click on this link it'll take you to a leaflet on BCC produced by the British Association of Dermatologists which will give you more details.

    It would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Wishing you all the best

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  • Hello Latchbrook

    I appreciate your answer. May I ask why you did forego the biopsy? Was the dermatologist 100% sure? Mline said she was 85% sure, but a second one had a look to and also suspected BCC. I think it looks a bit atypical as it looks more superficial; I probably did not grasp everhting she said... She spoke that it might not need to be cut, but then she also spoke about the layers and asked if i was afraid of the esthetics of it all and that they can do good things. So I am confused. She said Biopsy will tell how they will geti it out. Did you get yours out in the dermatologist or with a plastic surgean?

    I will adjust my profile thanks for the recommendation.

    Ik keep researhing cases where the clinical diagnosis ended up being wrong and the biopsy saying something else, but iI know I should stop hoping. I'm going back in July 10th for the results and treatment plan, but going on a holiday a few days after so it will probably be after that...

  • Hi

    My consultant, who I'd been seeing for several years since being diagnosed with melanoma, was pretty confident it was a BCC. As the biopsy would have left me with a small scar anyway and, if it was confirmed to be a BCC I would have had to go back to have it removed, I decided just to have it removed.

    As for the surgery, it was done by a plastic surgeon and I can't even find the scar now unless I look really hard.

    When are you having your biopsy? When you go, make sure to ask how long it's likely to be before you get your results. It largely depends on how busy the pathology laboratories are and it's quite normal for them to take anywhere between 2-6 weeks.

    Also different hospitals have different protocols on how you get your results. Some call you in, so they can check the wound at the same time, others ring or send you a letter. Again, ask how you'll hear and who to contact if you haven't heard after the time they tell you you should have your results.


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  • I was fast tracked by my GP to detmatology at local hospital with suspected BCC. Dermatologist immediately recommended surgery without a biopsy beforehand as he recognised the lesion as Squamous cell carcinoma with nerve damage.First excision not successful as biopsy found cancer present, second excision gave a clear margin of no cancer so all good. My skin graft failed but all is now healed ok. Mask made and now awaiting radiotherapy. I trusted the diagnosis by the dermatologist as he said he was 100% sure of his diagnosis.

  • Hi Minnow just reading your account about your surgery.  Why have you got to have radiotherapy if your margins were clear.  I had 2 bcc's on my face removed by plastic surgeon with skin flap and skin graft but no other treatment xx

  • Hi TSLIL  I have been reading your story.  I had 2 bcc;s removed from my face 2 years ago.  One that I originally went with by the side of my nose was diagnosed as a bcc by the dermatologist who referred me to Plastic surgeon.  They were both confirmed just by a dermascope.  I had a skin flap surgery on this one.  Whilst there I had a scab like thing at the top of my nose and under my eye.  I had to order glasses on line during Covid and thought they had rubbed me.  I asked the plastic surgeon if he would look and the dermascope read inconclusive so he did a punch biopsy on it whilst doing the other surgery.  It came back  as a bcc so he did this one with a skin graft surgery a few weeks later.  I had them done privately and with Bupa they did a new thing that a skin clinic sent you a special camera with a big lens on and you get someone to take a picture of your lesion and email it to this skin clinic.  My hubby did it all and sent it off and within 15 minutes a Dr rang me from the clinic and said I am sorry to tell you, you have basal cell skin cancer, make arrangements to see a dermatologist immediately.  As you can imagine I went into panic mode and from then on my story is as above.  MIne were diagnosed by dermascope and not biopsy.  It looked nothing really and a friend said she wouldnt have even bothered about them. The one by my nose was a pearl like tiny lump and the skin would peel off amd bleed.  It looked like a grain of rice.  Please keep in touch and ask me anything you want to, as I know how I felt when I was in your position.  My biopsy for the second one took 5 weeks, but that was because my follow up appointment for the first one was 5 weeks, so whether it came back before I don't know.  Good Luck xx

  • Hi 

    I am so sorry for your initial diagnosis of Melanoma, that must have been the worst feeling. BCC probably feels minor in comparison. I wasn't very clear in my original message, I had the biopsy straight away and have an appointment on the 10th of July where she will discuss further steps. So I luckly don't have to wait too long (although it already feels long). I guess she for sure wanted a face-to-face appointment seeming my dramatic first reaction :) 

  • I'm sorry for all that you went through! I hope you don't have to have radiotherapy for a long time? I wish you all the best. Must have been a horrible feeling getting that diagnosis al of a sudden.

  • Hi Harylyn

    Wow that's some crazy things that your dermatologist so swiftly diagnosed you 15 minutes later. Good to know that I should ask for plastic surgeron instead of the dermatologist...  I recognize the thing that it looked nothing. I showed my spot to tons of people and they all brushed it away saying that it looked nothing. When I thought about skincancer I also only had the ABCDE rule in my head, but nothing like a regular red spot... I'm observing myself watching peoples faces for all the little dots and spots. Are you okay now? 

    Best and thank you for the support.

  • I don't think it matters what type of cancer you're diagnosed with, it's still a shock to be told. However, hopefully yours might not be a BCC and I'll be keeping everything crossed for you.


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