• 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi All, I just wanted to say hello. I was diagnosed with a few bccs on my nose and chin back in February, I was supposed to have mohs surgery to remove these but my treatment was delayed and is now at the end of July, with reconstruction work afterwards. I am interested to hear about other people's experiences and how you all feel - I don't know how I feel ! 

  • Hi Tinalou.

    Stressful times when you're waiting on others for treatment. A loss of control over our health and wellbeing causes emotional havoc. 

    I was also diagnosed with a BCC, (on my nose), in February. I had a biopsy at the end of March. Mohs surgery recommended but NHS waiting list (Oxfordshire) is 6-12 months. Waiting, and knowing it's destructive is very hard.

    Good to know you're on the fast track and shouldn't now be a long delay for you. Whereabouts are you based?

    Good luck and let us know your new date.


  • Hi JMich3, 

    I haven't been too stressed up to now, but my lumps have got bigger so I'm much more conscious of them.

    My date is 28th July for mohs, then reconstruction on the Friday after - dreading it on the one hand but can't wait on the other! 

    I'm in Southsea Sun with face

    Take care

    Tinalou Blush

  • Good luck Tinalou

    Mohs is a good choice with excellent cure rates. 

    I thought being in Oxfordshire with many 'highly acclaimed' hospitals in easy reach would give me a shorter wait, but looks like Hampshire has a better system.

    Well done, (Hants is a lovely County).

    Let us know how you get on.


  • Thanks! 

    Yes we have the Queen Alexandra here - just 10 mins away so I'm very lucky.  I had a kidney transplant there too so I know I'm in great hands! 
