Skin Cancer and swimming

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

GP referred me as urgent skin cancer  and photos were taken at the hospital ,for sore on back that is not healing.  After a 4 week wait dermatology have downgraded referral to routine and I have a 36 week wait to be seen.   Its a long time to worry even though I think its a good sign not to be seen urgently.    This may seem silly but it has just hit me that I can't go swimming till August.   Is this correct or would it be ok with waterproof plaster.  Can you help please.

  • Hello Granjax, 

    Welcome to the group and I'm sorry to hear of your referral and now long wait but as you said this points to a more positive diagnosis.

    I have never heard of avoiding swimming with any form of skin cancer. I've been advised to stay out of the sun, wear large brimmed hats and high factor suncream to protect the skin. 

    Is there any reason that has prompted this concern for you? If it is an indoor pool there would be no concern about the sun. For an outdoor pool as long as you wear waterproof suncream or perhaps wear a swimsuit/vest that gives you added protection? 

    I'm not sure if someone else in the group has a better understanding of the dangers of swimming with a skin cancer. I know from personal experience and from others posts that the main reaction is fear of the sun and avoiding as much outdoor activity as possible, but isn't that so sad and restrictive - finding a balance, as is the same for most things in life is a difficult and personal choice. If you really enjoy swimming and it's health benefits then do what makes you feel good. 

    When I had the 3 biopsies on my face, once they started to heal I wore little waterproof plasters to protect the delicate skin from the sun so that does seem an alternative if it provides you with some reassurance also. 

     Let us know how you get on .. and happy swimming  X

  • Hi    

    Thank you for your helpful reply.  It is much appreciated   .  

    I used to do aquafit twice a week but have not been since last October as it was actually a lady behind me who said about the sore on my back and that I should see about it.   At that time I just assumed I was making it bleed by drying with a towel etc.  I wouldn't go back to this class the now but  was just wondering about being in an indoor pool with a sore that won't heal.   Would the chlorine do any harm for instance and would it be ok with a waterproof plaster on it.