Skin Cancer Stage 1A

  • 4 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi folks, Im new to this group so apologies if I go off on a rant. 

I’ve just turned 50 and for some of my youth I used sun beds off and on. I LOVE the sun and I live for holidays!  Sorry, let me rephrase that…. I LOVED the sun, not any more. I’d quite happily tear up my passport and holiday in Scotland where the sun rarely shines. 

My Mum kept nagging me to go and get a mole on my ankle checked out. I ignored her until March this year when I agreed to go see my GP. I was referred to my NHS Skin Clinic who said it’s best to have it removed. 

I had the mole removed on 1 October. Results came back that it’s Stage 1A. I was shocked but not surprised. I holiday quite a lot and I chase the sun when on holiday, so I’ve nobody to blame but myself. 

I am now awaiting another appointment to have a WLE done of 1cm round the original scar, due to this being on my ankle I have to have a skin graft from my thigh.

I believe this will be done by Xmas.  I am also told that the WLE and graft will both be done by local anaesthetic.

Is there anyone out there who has had a thigh graft done on a local? Would you suggest I ask for a General instead? How painful is it? I’ve watched various videos online and I am really freaking out!! 

Sorry for the long winded message xx

  • Very different type of cancer here, but just wanted to show some solidarity as another 50 something who chased the sun and used sun beds. Again, I recognise I only have myself to blame, but what were we thinking?!  My partner recently got me some factor 100 that's not too gloopy and I am a hat wearer even in the UK winter. Best of luck and hope you get some  specific info from someone in the same situation.

  • Thanks for your message. I was soooo stupid, I even knew the risks of sunbeds and always said it won’t happen to me. 

    Perhaps it wasn’t the sunbed that gave me this melanoma. I checked old photos and I had a freckle in 2019 then by March this year it was a lot bigger and reddish/black.  All I can say is I’m just glad I caught the little bugger early.

    I will be in the shade going forward that’s for sure :-)

  • I have to large dark ones shud I Be worried I’m sleeping can’t eat ??

  • Hi Tracey9284, I can't tell you not to worry because its only natural.  If you're concerned about a mole then simply go to your GP and raise it.  My Dad and younger sister both had skin cancer many years ago, so I guess I was high risk.  Please just go to your GP and get the ball rolling.

    Please read my Profile on here, I've documented my story and what I went through.  If I was every concerned again about a mole, I'd not hesitate in getting it checked out x