squamous cell carcinoma

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all, 

I'm not coping well unfortunately. Two weeks ago today I was put on the 2 week urgent referral system for cancer. I went on holiday and didnt think about it and was phoned by the hospital saying they can't fit me in until 5 and a half weeks after my initial referral. I phoned every private hospital in the local area as the wait is killing me and every single specialist is either booked up or on holiday until Oct. It Sent me into crisis yesterday morning, throwing up couldn't get out of bed to look after the children so the doctor put me on diazepan and sleeping pills. He said it's potential squamous cell carcinoma, ulcerated and 8mm. I am finding the thought of another 3 and a half weeks wait absolutely unbearable, my mother in law told me to sort myself out for my children and not to take diazepan.

I lost my mum to cancer when I was 23, watching my father trying to be strong for me is heartbreaking as its bringing up very painful memories of my mother who only lived 9 months after diagnosis. 

Not sure if anyone will respond and I don't really have a question but I am not handling the wait of 5 and a half weeks well, once I know I could manage it but the not knowing is killing me. 

  • Hello  ,

    I am so sorry to read all that you are going through, I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you. I am sure other members of the Community will respond and offer support. Often people find the early stages of going through a possible diagnosis the hardest as you can feel lost and often mentally prepare for the worst.

    If you've not already done so, speaking to one of our Cancer Specialist nurses might help. They can help to answer any questions you may have or support you with questions to ask your medical team. They may be able to offer some support in coping with the wait. The nurses are available on the Macmillan Support line, 0808 808 0000 Monday to Sunday 8am till 8pm.

    Wishing you all the very best at this difficult time.

    Best wishes,

    Online Community Team Leader

  • That sounds really scary. Can I ask who said it was potentially squamous cell? If it was a GP they won't really know whether it's a basal call carcinoma.or a squamous cell. BCCs never spread and most  squamous cell do not spread either. How long have you had the lesion?

  • Thank you so much for replying. Yes the GP said it to me. I wasn't expecting it at all as I was seeing the doctor about pain in my leg due to circulation (or what i thought it was). I had the scar about 16- 17 years. I have been to the doctors multiple times about it in the past but they said it was fine. I suppose I never thought it was an issue so I didn't really monitor it since a difficult position. It has been itching, blistering with blood, I suppose a year perhaps more, but I never thought it was an issue due to what doctors have said to me in the past. I have been having aching pain above it in my muscles and the doctor said it was nothing to do with my circulation and must be because of the lesion. I still have 2 and a half weeks to see a specialist. 

  • Try to stay strong until you know more.  It's difficult I know but the GP really won't know what it is.  My bcc started blistering too, they used to be known as rodent ulcers because of the blistering. So it really is best to wait to see the specialist who will know more. Xx