BCC - experience with NHS wait times?

  • 44 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hello all!

I'm grateful to have found this forum and be able to connect with others going through the same process. I was diagnosed with a basal cell carcinoma on my ear a few weeks ago, which I've had now for 6 months. A week and half ago I had an appointment with a consultant at Northwick Park hospital in NW London after the original dermatologist gave their diagnosis and asked for it to be excised urgently. Up until this point everything had gone incredible quickly, I'd be contacted within a few days for appointments each time and was kept on the 2 week wait pathway. I'd receive letters with correspondence between GP and dermatologist, it would show up on my medical record in the NHS app and so on.

However after seeing this latest consultant I haven't received anything. He said that the wait time for the surgery was 4-8 weeks and the nurse said that I'd be contacted for an appointment and that I would get a MyPreOp questionnaire and gave me a piece of paper about that. Unfortunately nothing has happened since, no link for the questionnaire, no letters, no call for an appointment, nothing even showing that I visited Northwick Park in my medical record, no correspondence from this consultant to the dermatologist or GP.

What are everyone's experiences with waiting for a surgery date on the NHS? Is it normal to just wait an unknown amount of time without anything before they call you up and offer you a surgery date? It feels a bit strange after everything happening so quickly previously and the complete lack of communication is a bit worrying. I understand it's not as urgent as other cancers but still :/ I had considered going private to get it sorted out quickly but I know I wouldn't be able to comfortably afford Mohs surgery and I'm unsure if that would be offered to me on the NHS so I'm not sure what to do now. I've been in touch with the PALS team for the hospital to see if they can find out how long it will take to get a surgery date and I just have to wait to hear back.

  • That is a really long timeline but I'm so glad you got the care you needed! And you got Moh's rather than plain old excision like I'm getting.

    I think I'd agree with your conclusion - amazing surgeons and doctors once you get to them. Torrid time getting the care you need and quite often given the cheapest form of care rather than the best or most suitable. I think my case would have benefited greatly from Moh's being on such a complex and difficult area to work on. But wasn't offered and now I'm getting a second blind excision and hoping for the best!

  • Similar time scale to my treatment journey. 

    See my timeline on last page of this thread.

  • Best wishes for your current round of treatment being successful.

  • All done with surgery! This one was a marathon, lots of stitches. Because they didn't need to leave everything in place in case it came back with a positive margin this time they could use more skin with longer cuts to try and release tension around the ear. So the wound is bigger but in theory it should heal nicer and not pull anything out of place :) A week till stitches come out again! For now getting used to bleeding all the time again :D

  • That's sounding like some positivity on your part which is good.Hope you are not in to much discomfort.

    My dressings being removed tomorrow hopefully my skin graft has taking..Fingers crossed

  • Stitches out, results back, cancer free ya'll! I'm done!

    It still looks a bit of a mess tbh and I've lost some feeling in that area so I guess they sliced a nerve :D Hopefully it comes back and all the skin relaxes back into it's correct place soon :P

  • Great news all round for you.Grinning

    I have been to dressings clinic today..Hopefully stitches out next Monday.. 

  • Actually the more I look at it, it seems they have cut a chunk of my tragus cartilage off. I didn't know they were gonna do that so I'm a bit sad about that. It looks a bit weird now :/ Oh wells.

  • Good grief!! No wonder people are going private.

  • I finally got to see my histology report from the 2nd surgery, turns out it wasn't even necessary, there was no cancer left anyways :( So I didn't need to lose a chunk of my ear or get this long scar after all. I know it's better to be safe than even more sorry but it kinda sucks knowing I could have left it and had a much better aesthetic outcome. I'm quite sad now but at least it's all over.