Suspected squamous cell cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 35 subscribers


i’ve been worried about a lesion on my leg which has changed a lot over the last few weeks. It’s now about 1 cm diameter. Referred by my GP to dermatology. I went back yesterday as I hadn’t heard about an appointment. She suspects a squamous cell cancer and has promised to contact dermatology again. Obviously concerned.

Any good advice that I need to be aware of? Thanks

  • Keep pestering if you don't hear from the hospital soon as these nasty little beasts need sorting out as soon as possible.  I have had 2 basal cell cancers removed from my face.  I had them done privately as I was told the waiting list for these is quite long, but they shouldn't be left, so keep on at them until you get an appointment.  Hopefully once you get an appointment and see the Consultant it can be dealt with quickly.  Normally just a local and dealt with quite quickly.  Good Luck and keep in touch as we are all here to help one another xx

  • Hi

    I think if you havnt heardheard quickly then go back to your dr or contact dermatology and ask when you're likely to be seen.

    As it's changed in the course of a few weeks it needs to be looked at and treated.

    I know that we don't like to make a fuss but sometimes we have to.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think lesions suspicious for squamous cell come under the two week pathway so hopefully you'll hear soon 

  • I first went to my GP at the of January. She referred me a week later. Didn’t look much then, but went back this week cause it’s quite different. She checked online and I hadn’t been allocated an appointment. Good news is she took an updated photo and was clear it needs sorted and would contact them again. As you can imagine I just want it looked and sorted ASAP. Will contact the GP again if not heard anything by Monday.

  • It's good she S taking it seriously so hopefully you should soon hear.

    But definitely chase them up if you don't hear soon.

    You'll find a lot of support on this group so please keep in touch and ask us anything 

  • Contacted dermatology today as still not heard about an appointment . Good news is they’ve given me an appointment for next Monday. So fingers crossed all gets sorted quickly from then on.

  • Yes you do have to keep nagging your GP.    I had a lesion on my foot which she said don't worry about.  Photo got sent eventually and three visits (and photos) later  I got my appointment.     The one on my foot turned out to be a BCC.   I chose to have it removed privately six weeks ago.   Just be aware that wounds on legs and feet can take a while to heal.

  • Just make sure you go armed with all the questions you need to know.   I saw the NHS consultant who said she wanted a biopsy first.    After the biopsy I was told by letter it would be removed by excision.  I wanted to discuss with someone what options I had and how it would be done but I couldn't speak to anyone.  Only one consultation at the start and that is it.     Quite often with lower legs and feet there isn't enough skin to stitch after removal so they leave it open with dressings.    I decided to go private and the same consultant offered a better way to cut it out leaving a smaller wound which I wouldn't have been offered had I just followed the nhs route.   Don't let them hurry you.