BCC in eyebrow

  • 13 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi everyone. I'm a 74 year old woman. Earlier this month (January 2023) I had a very painful biopsy for a potential BCC in my eyebrow, which has turned out to be positive. The biopsy has already left a noticeable gap in my eyebrow. The apparently-harmless flat pink spot, almost invisible to the naked eye, had been there for years and years but I didn't think anything of it until last summer, when it started to itch and bleed.

I'm now down for pre-op assessment for Moh's on 10 February. I'm terrified of the surgery, not least because the biopsy hurt so much. I always have difficulty going numb with local anaesthetic, whether it is a medical or dental procedure (my last filling at the dentist required 11 injections). I'm already a very anxious person and recently came off long-term antidepressants because of unpleasant side effects (e.g. copious sweating - I had never realised this was caused by SSRIs, and now I have a widespread fungal infection on my abdomen which is proving intractable). So, no medication help and my anxiety is through the roof. 

The two things I'm frightened of are a) the pain of Moh's, as local numbing just doesn't work for me, and b) the change to my appearance. I think I will probably lose my eyebrow. I've always taken pride in how I look. I do a lot of volunteering and community support. No-one told me that the biopsy would take such a chunk out of my eyebrow, and the Moh's will probably take away the rest. I will look odd! I know I can 'paint in' an eyebrow with makeup but I don't want to do that for the rest of my life. Nor do I want a tattoo.

Can anyone help me with the prospect of feeling every painful thing they will do to me during Moh's?

  • Hi clbm  Sorry to hear about your bcc in your eyebrow.  I have had 2 bcc's removed from my face one near eye top of nose and one near my nostril.  I decided not to have MOHS as my plastic surgeon was more or less sure he could take everything away without MOHS and I had so much confidence in him.  Im sorry to read you found your biopsy painful.  I had surgery and skin flap done on one and biopsy at same time on the other one.  I can honestly say once the numbing injections were over, and they weren't that painful as he put something else in to stop them hurting, I never felt a thing.  Hardly any pain after either, just paracetamol for a couple of days.  I am sure you will be fine, tell them if you feel any pain and they will give you more numbing injections.  I shouldnt worry too much about your eyebrow at the moment, wait until everything is over and see how it looks, might not be as bad as you think.  Good Luck.  It has taken a year for my scars to settle and become less noticeable but they are ok.  You are lucky to get MOHS as lots of people want it, but not available at many hospitals.  I would have had to go to Nottingham and didnt want to travel that far so had it done at Derby Nuffield xx

  • Thanks for getting back to me, Harlyn and I appreciate your reassurance. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the numbing injections are less painful than the biopsy, and that they actually work! I don't see or hear well these days, even with glasses and hearing aids, and I feel very vulnerable when medics just take over and take no notice when I say it hurts!

  • No problem at all.  I am 73 years old so know how you feel.  I get anxious too and my hubby thought he woud see me back in the car as he thought I wouldnt go through with it. Once I got in the treatment room and my surgeon reassured me he would look after me and the Nurse held my hand I was fine.  When you go for your assessment tell them your worries I did.  I did ask if I could be sedated but he said no as he didnt want me falling out of the chair.  It was all very relaxed just me him and the nurse and they talked to me the whole time about anything and everything.  I had 50 stitches in the last one, thought he was never going to finish.  Keep in touch and ask any questions, as I found this site so helpful when I was getting up tight about everything  These bcc's are nasty little things. 

  • Yes, aren't they little beasties! Thank you so much for your reply. I just hope the hospital I'm at will be as sympathetic as yours. I've been thinking about asking for sedation too but thought it was unlikely to be granted. I'll see what happens at pre-op - hopefully a more sympathetic approach than my initial appointment and the biopsy - I'll keep you posted. Thanks again, much appreciated

  • Hi clbm

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose so afraid I can't answer question about possible scarring on your eyebrow.

    I do know though,  that surgeons take great care to minimize scarring.

    As regards pain, there is something they can use pre numbing injections to minimise the pain of the injections.

    It's worth telling your surgeon about the issues you've had with being numbed up on the past as they may decide to use other pain relief methods.

    As Harlyn said please ask anything. We've been there and know how frightening it all is.

  • I'd like to add that due to my extreme anxiety about my nose being operated on the surgeon eventually agreed to use sedation and the lovely aneasthetist actually used a general.

    It was all a bit embarrassing to be honest, but please tell your surgeon about your anxiety 

  • Thank you Puckettyboo. I will certainly explain my anxiety and fear at my pre-op appointment, and I just hope I get a sympathetic ear. One of the things that distressed me so much with the painful biopsy was the staff ignoring my pleas for more anaesthesia because of the pain, but it fell on deaf ears. I'm really scared the surgery will be the same. Thank you for your support.

  • That's awful as they would normally keep asking you if you could feel anything. They clearly didn't do this and so understandably your anxiety has been made worse.

    Yes. At your appointment please make all of this clear so they fully understand your concerns and hopefully they'll take extra care.

    Ask about sedation too.

    Please let us know how it goes and keep in touch.

  • Thanks Puckettyboo, I did just that. I had my pre-op last Friday with a wonderfully understanding nurse practitioner who gave me back my confidence. I explained what had happened with the biopsy and asked for sedation. And ... I had my actual surgery yesterday (Monday)! Only the weekend between pre-op and op. The sedation did help, and the charming surgeon said I had 'exquisite' sensitivity to pain (I don't think he was being facetious) as I found the injections so painful. I had very many ... and the stitching up was worse than the Mohs, as the original locals had begun to wear off. HOWEVER, it's all over, I won't have much eyebrow but I don't care and my follow-up is not until May, so I can just forget the whole horrible episode. Thanks everyone for your support.  

  • So pleased everything went well for you and now relax with it all behind you until your follow up in May.  Glad you got a more sympathetic team this time.  By the time I had my stitching up the injections had started to wear off but I kept thinking it must soon be over and didnt say anything.  I had 15 injections for my first operation and didnt really fancy having any more.  Take care and please keep in touch with us on your progress xx