Bcc confirm and don’t know what is happening???

  • 21 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Had bcc confirmed don’t understand what happens next Iv got apt with plastic surgery dept 26: Jan but Iv found another on my nose forming excacly same as one on lower eyelid can I mention this to the surgeon?

  • Hi Rosy28. Sorry to hear you have a bcc and possibly another.  This is exactly how mine were but the other way around.  I went with one at the bottom of my nostril and asked the plastic surgeon to look at an area near the top of my nose near my eye. He operated on the nose one and took biopsy of the other which came back as a bcc.  This one was operated on a few weeks later.  I had a skin flap on the first one and a skin graft on the second one.  Yes you must mention the other to your plastic surgeon and see what he says.  These bcc's are a damn nuisance.  You will find this group so supportive, don't know how I would have coped without it, and have made some nice friends, who are going through the same issues as I am and we support one another.  Please feel free to ask us any questions and what is worrying you and I am sure one of us will try and reassured you.  Happy New Year and good luck with your appointment xx

  • Hi Roxy28

    Yes. Mention it to your surgeon.

    I ad a basal cell removed from my nose back in the summer and they are aware of a small lesion near my eye that at the moment is inconclusive so I may have a biopsy.

    They often refer to plastic surgeons when the lesion is on the face and I found my surgeon to  be lovely and helpful after I had a bad dermatology experience.

    You'll find this forum helpful so feel free to ask us anything. 

  • This may seem silly question but what causes these ? I asked was it because of using sun beds and not proper suncream they said no Iv not got any autoimmune system due to a neurological condition could it be that ? 

  • Iv got to say the ones I was concerned about were nothing i am due to go away for the first time since this stupid illness took over my life and I feel so guilt as I use to wish I just had cancer as it was easier for people to understand so now feel even worse and haven’t told a soul as I need this holiday begin of feb but scared they won’t let me go it’s all just a mess 

  • I was told they can be caused by a cumulative sun damage.

    It would be worth asking your consultant if your health condition predisposes you to forming skin cancers 

  • I was told sun beds, sun and age. My consultant said if you are lucky enough to get to your age (73)!! most people will have one, and once you have had one you are more at risk to get others, hence I have had two.  I have always used suncream, never ever been on a sunbed and only holiday in England, am not a sun worshipper.  Now I hate the sun and last year I was so scared when on holiday in Cornwall. Consultant said he understood but I need sunshine in moderation for my bones.  I was told I have to wear factor 50 suncream especially on my face from March to November even if I am just pegging washing out.  I use No 7 facial suncream Factor 50, I apply it every morning before my normal moisturiser and make up, have got into a routine now.  I was still using it in November as we did have sunny days, but not using it now.  I would just mention your holiday and see what their reaction is, but you must tell people. Some of my friends were oh well it is ONLY skin cancer, but most were very supportive, especially when they saw me in person or I sent them pictures of my operations - not a pretty sight - but cant believe how I look now. Keep in touch and keep the questions coming we will help you all we can.xx

  • I’m so tired of it all try to forget and live as a normal life possible but it’s impossible now Iv got to have a mri as Iv lost high frequency in my left ear and it keeps swelling so they want to look at lymph nodes i will still go see plastic surgeon on 25th shall I tell them this ?

  • Yes you must tell the plastic surgeon this Roxy as may be all connected  I understand your worries as I was just the same and people dont understand how we feel and make light of skin cancers and they aren't as we all know on here they are nasty little things.  Here if you need anything else. Sending you a hug xx

  • Yes tell your surgeon. He needs to know all of your history.

    These things esp combined with other health issues can be overwhelming.

    I'm sure that once you've met your surgeon and he's explained everything to you,  you'll feel a bit more settled. Sometimes it's the not knowing which makes everything feel worse.

    Please keep in contact as we've all been and still are where you are now. We understand 

  • Hi I have my MRI on Monday get results on 7feb but my plastic surgeon apt has been changed today as original apt was with plastic surgeon now new apt with different plastic surgery Mohs is this normal without them actually seeing me ???