Just Diagnosed with BCC

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers


I had two atypical moles removed in 2018 and haven’t had a skin check since 2019. I had a baby in 2020 and with covid raging, I put my own health on the back burner for awhile. 

I am currently pregnant again (32 weeks) and after dealing with what I thought was a dry patch of skin on my arm for two years, I finally had it looked at and biopsied to find out that it is superficial basal cell carcinoma. I’m having it removed via an ED&C procedure in a couple of weeks. 

This has thrown me into a bit of panic. I’m 36 years old and used tanning beds pretty heavily for about 5 years in my late teens and early 20s and now I’m terrified about the damage I’ve done. Having a young one and a baby on the way makes me think even more about how scary this is. 

Has anyone had an ED&C procedure done for BCC? How long did it take to heal and what was the experience like? Did you have a significant scar?

Thank you so much for your words of advice.

  • Hi Janine.  I understand your worry as I was just like you when I was disagnosed with 2 basal cell cancers on my face.  I am 73 and never bveen a sun worshipper always wore sun cream but they got me.  Could you tell me waht ED&C is please.  I had one removed by skin flap and the other by skin grat. Both done by a plastic surgeon.  Had them done in a treatment room lots of injection s and stitches but I survived!.  Had one done in January and the other in March.  They are healing now, didn't look good at first and I will say I was very upset.  I have been discharged now and told I MUST wear factor 50 from March to November and re-apply every 2 hours when walking around in the sun.This site is fantastic and you will get lots of support. Please keep in touch will help you through your journey. 

  • Hi Harlyn,

    Thank you so much for your reply! ED&C is electrodessication and curretage. The woman I spoke to on the phone said it was some additional scraping of the area followed by burning. I don’t believe I’ll be needing any stitches. I read online scars can be kind of unsightly with this procedure.

    Glad to hear you are healing well. Like you, I will definitely be making some lifestyle changes in regards to sun exposure and sun screen! I live in the states (Phoenix) where it’s almost always hot and sunny so not the greatest place to be if you’re at risk for skin cancer!