Actinic Keratosis

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  • 34 subscribers

Not being very tech minded will just retype what I posted in new to the community post. I have been treating various AK sites since last November when did an eco suit on strange patches on my hand practice nurse told me nothing to worry about but just thought I would check with Dr He prescribed Eufidix to treat what he diagnosed as AK no problems treatment worked really well and AK were gone in just over 4 weeks Decided to have a whole body check with private dermatologist and he recommended several areas that needed Eufidix treatment He was well impressed with the reaction to the cream and final area I treated was back of my left hand this left me with a small bump saw two separate GP who both said nothing to worry about and one thought AK so froze it no reaction to freezing so back to dermatologist who said the area was too inflamed to tell quite was going on so took biopsy now waiting for results and feeling quite anxious He did assure me if it was skin cancer it would be a non melanoma one and I had caught it really early Will update when I get the result