Merkel Cell

  • 25 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I was recently diagnosed with Merkel cell carcinoma on my face, and am awaiting second surgery appointments in 3 weeks' time, which will include some form of flap surgery.

Has anyone else had to face this form of cancer?   If so, what stage has it reached with you, and how long was that from diagnosis to now?  Currently no health professional has talked me through any of the implications, so I'd be grateful to read of any experiences from anyone with this form of skin cancer.

  • HAS anyone responded to your post?   My husband has stage 4 MCC  from face to regional lymph nodes to lymph node in the lower chest has been on Avelumab ....immune therapy since Jan 2024 ...and the massive chest lymph node has decreased 75%  ...I am hoping you have had some good news since you posted this last post   hugs

  • That's great news my husband was diagnosed earlier this year The tumour was removed from his scalp and he had his 5th Avelaumb today His lymph glands have already decreased in the size and the swelling behind his ear has disappeared completely He will have his first post Avelaumb on early October Like your husband very little side effects and he is doing well Best wishes Wilbert x

  • Awesome...I am so glad for you ....Onward and upward  hugs

  • Thank you and best wishes and hugs x

  • Hi 

    my partner is doing with steroid since he has refferrd to hospice care. But we are just registered member with hospice not actually there yet. Symptoms controlled but there are ups and downs I healthy. But we living with him we had 7 session of avalumab and when CT scan showed more lymph nodes and spot in liver lungs and it’s there since 4 months no major changes or increase. He just has lump under neck appears time to time but controlled with steroids.