Merkel Cell

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I was recently diagnosed with Merkel cell carcinoma on my face, and am awaiting second surgery appointments in 3 weeks' time, which will include some form of flap surgery.

Has anyone else had to face this form of cancer?   If so, what stage has it reached with you, and how long was that from diagnosis to now?  Currently no health professional has talked me through any of the implications, so I'd be grateful to read of any experiences from anyone with this form of skin cancer.

  • well I’m glad that things doing well with you and another member. Well with partner we have all sort of treatment done with me like various biopsies, started on skin both cheek and then next surgery to remove tumor but which didn’t helped and gone to lymph nodes and then they started immunotherapy for 7 times but they didn’t work either so we are on kind of boat and where treatment had stopped and reffed to hospice care. But my partner is feeling very well where as dr told he’s got few weeks or months to live since no cancer treatments is working so I thought ask around as I just wonder what would be survival rate this stage as his cancer 2 months ago was diagnosed in lungs and liver as well as we know it’s an aggressive one so all I’m looking have that much spreading in body how how likely it will spread more 

  • And I would like to know wether your cancer was caught early or it was also diagnosed in other parts ?  Is it stable ? 

  • thank you and I’m glad that you surviving as you can read my post on here with another guy I replied about my partner condition I would like to know wether your cancer was caught early or it was also diagnosed in other parts as well ?  Is it stable now with you ? 

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your partners condition.  I was initially diagnosed with non aggressive prostate cancer which after twelve months of self monitoring turned aggressive, Hormone treatment every three months has brought that under control.  The merkel cell cancer was diagnosed after my right leg swelled up although cellulitis was suspected.  The special scan I had at Plymouth showed cancer in my lymph nodes and lungs which Immunotherapy over two tears fortnightly treatment halted.  I have a six monthly scan and a six monthly PSA test which so for has shown no signs of cancer.  I have been in the clear for over two years now but suffer with nerve damage in my hands and arthritis in my hand and knees, a small price to pay for the extra 4 years I’ve had with my family.  I’m nearly 79 so over my life expectancy which I’m very grateful for.   Best wishes Nick.  Incidentally 7 sessions of Immunotherapy doesn’t seem many as I had 46 sessions and my Consultant was more than happy to arrange for more.

  • Thank you for telling all of your history and glad to know that you’re clear. Well with my partner his  market cell spread in lymph nodes and during immunotherapy after 7th time the scan showed it’s not working because during treatment it gone down to lungs and liver which they think it means even immunotherapy is not an option for him so referee to hospice care what I don’t understand Dr told he would live either few weeks or months. And since treatment stopped it’s need 6 weeks that we can’t see any serious issue with that shows the cancer aggression it might be started to work. 
    can you tell do you have any strange feeling when they found your lungs and liver effected ? My partner is 78 this year and with Dr prognosis they think 6 months so wether it will take down his heath pretty measurable in few months time or it might stable. 

  • No the only things I found were my lymph nodes swollen in neck and right leg but nothing regards my lungs.

  • Hmm right well he had 1 lump in neck when was removed last December with surgery but later during the treatment to till now this has come back and now there are two lumps under his neck 

  • As I posted previously my lymph nodes went down after the start of Immunotherapy which was found after my 6 monthly scan.  The Consultant remarked how well my immune system had been boosted which was the result of the Immunotherapy.

  • My husband was diagnosed with stage 3b merkel cell on the july 2021 and in 1 has since spread to the thoracic lymphnode .. massive in sept 2023 ....started Avelumab immune therapy in jan 2024 ....and the lymphnode has almost disappeared....he has very little side effects and is doing well! 

  • Hi  I was wondering how you partner is doing ....My husband is on immune therapy ....Avelumab for Merkel cell ..for past 8 months...and seems to be doing well.   there is a tiny spot on liver that may or may not be connected ....may I ask how long your partner was on immune therapy before it stopped working ...I have heard it doesn't always continue to work but may work initially ... He has follow up CT in mid October / 2024 to  check the liver again .....

    I hope your partner is still with you .   take care and thinking of you