Actinic Keratosis

  • 8 replies
  • 35 subscribers

hello......I am being treated for rectal cancer...but have had this small sore on my forearm for a couple of years...which started off very pale sort of silvery opaque....but since been on xelox treatment for rectal got redder and said it's an actinic keratosis ....and gave me some fluorouracil cream to put on for 3 weeks....I have been doing this for just over 2 weeks....but still the hasn't crusted up or bled like the doctor said...but just very sore....does anyone know if this cream will heal the sore? it cancerous? The doctor didn't seem to know....should I try and see a dermatologist ? I've only been able to see the surgery nurse...who gives me steroid cream...which didn't help....I continually asked if I could see a doctor...and eventually she called a doctor in.....but he didn't seem interested....just said these things are common in Dorset...and to put this cream on....but what with waiting to see what happens next with the rectal cancer....have finished the radiochemo.....not had an operation yet....waiting to see what the next step is.....and the chemo nurses said  I am in the system and will have to wait.....but they didn't know anything about the actinic keratosis ...and told me to see my doctor.....but with the has been impossible to get an answer on the phone at my surgery...and then ages to wait for a Telephone appointment....and then only with a nurse....because I couldn't get through on the phone....I went into the surgery...which is quite away from where I live....and begged the receptionist to give me an appointment with a nurse...but she wouldn't.....said I had to go home and keep's so frustrating.....I just wish someone could just give me some advice as what to do....

  • Hi  

    It's always worrying when you find something that you're not sure about but you've done the right thing in going to see your GP. 

    I had an actinic keratoses removed by cryotherapy a little while ago but, if you look at this information from BAD (British Association of Dermatologists), you'll see that the use of 5-fluorouracil cream is an alternative form of treatment. If after applying the cream for the amount of time that your GP has prescribed does not get rid of the actinic keratoses then you should make an appointment to see him again.

    Actinic keratoses is not a form of skin cancer but if you read the information from BAD you'll see that there is a very small risk that it can progress into a form of skin cancer called a squamous cell carcinoma if not treated.

    I hope this helps


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  • Hi Latchbrook

    thankyou for your reply....I looked up the information you gave me...and found it very helpful.....I have been putting the fluorouracil cream on nearly 3 weeks ...but it is still the same...just red and sore..slightly raised.....I was told to go back to the nurse at my local surgery late September...but I'm wondering if I should try and get it checked before then?

  • I think everyone reacts differently to fluorouracil cream. My husband was prescribed it to remove a BCC and it had no effect on him whatsoever, so at the end of the prescribed time he had his removed by surgery. If you're concerned you could always speak to the nurse to see what she says.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for rout reply....I will get it checked  if  it doesn't heal

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Davisio

    I have had several Actinic Keratosis treated with Eufidix and have had excellent results Usually red crusting and leaking a yellow fluid by week three and scabs falling off by week four maybe have another chat with Dr regarding this I know my dermatologist did say I have an impressive reaction to the cream and maybe it doesn’t work for everyone in the same way 

  • Thankyou  for your reply....I used that same cream for 3 weeks....finished 2 weeks doesn't look so red...and not sore now...a sort of small crusty bit in the middle....I've managed to make an appointment with the doctor in 2 weeks time get it checked....I'm making sure I put sun cream on now....wished I had years ago ...regretting sunbathing now :( 

     should I put sun cream on the spot now? I don't like it makes it soggy...when I think it should be kept it best to just keep it covered when outside? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Davisio

    TBH not sure re sunscreen I now never go out with sunscreen but my treated areas are all healed now Best to check with GP before putting sunscreen on raw areas Like you regret the many years of intense sunbathing but hey never too late to change habits of a life time 

  • Thanks ! Quite true...never too late to change bad habits....I actually don't fancy sitting out in this heat anymore !!!!