Dent in nose after excision of Basal Cell Carcinoma

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  • 11 subscribers

Slightly complicated story, I'll try to break it down. 

Early April 2024 I visit GP about a lesion in centre of nose. GP refers to dermatology with suspicion of skin csncer. 

I call a few times and eventually hear its a 29 week wait. Quite stressed and decide to go private. Early June I get a 'see and treat' appointment with a private plastic surgeon. The appointment went very quick, suppose I felt pressure to get it sorted ASAP. I mention another nearby newer  lesion, which was dismissed.  Excised on day. 1 inch oval with straight closure was discussed. I left with skin coloured micropore over stitches, even though I'd mentioned it irritates my skin. To leave on till falls off. Disappointing as I know this will be an issue. 

That evening, say 4 hours after, it bleeds a little under the tape. Continued next day, changes to clear fluid. I call the private clinic,  nurse asks me to go in next day. By this time the tape etc starts to smell. Nurse removed tape, refused to let me see wound. Wants to apply more tape, I refuse, she shrees to dressing. Lots of pressing, painful,  eventually falls off. Different option applied. 

A few days later I change dressing and have circle of blood sitting in indent. Concerned stitches failed, called again. Eventually got reassuring call from surgeon. 

Day 9, call from surgeon to say bcc, clear margin. Earlier than expected, was told 2-5 weeks. Says letter may be while as he's going on holiday. 

Day 10 stitches out. I could see a gap and was quite upset. Nurse agrees stitches had separated and takes them out. No further separation but a deep score from front, and indent in my profile. Given antibiotic ointment to apply, fluid and swabs to clean. 

Day 16 further Nurse appointment.  She's happy with healing, but I've got concerns about shape snd indent. She says she'll speak to surgeon and call me in 2 weeks. I was aware he had upcoming holiday so suspect this is why 2 weeks. She mentions possibility of filler. 

Tomorrow will be 6 weeks from beginning. Not a word from them, other than letter for GP confirming BCC. Type not specified. I feel this could be important.  I'm still aware of the second lesion which sits near the edge of my scar. I still have an indent from the side and can see top and bottom points which sort of peak at end of split scar. Also this scar is 1cm long, shorter than described before, pinched looking. I'm quite upset about how it looks and feel uncomfortable in public. Also worrying about 2nd lesion. 

My plan is to email them with plenty of detail and mention I'm not happy with way it looks, and mentioning I should have heard back by now. Also mention the distress its causing me. 

I also think I should phone for GP appointment.  I need to see about another separate issue,  but also want opinion from GP on outcome, 2nd lesion and also want to mention mental health impact. I have no history of mental health issues, this is purely stress related to the BCC and excision outcome. Feel like it takes up way too much headspace. 

Can anyone offer advice on any aspect above?

Sorry was such a long story. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the skin cancer forum which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that after having a BCC removed privately you've been left with a dent in your nose where it was removed. I have had BCCs removed, although not from my face, but they were done through the NHS so I don't have any experience with the private healthcare system.

    The only thing I can suggest is that you phone the private hospital and ask to speak to your surgeon to explain that you're not happy with the outcome and you want to know if anything can be done to improve the appearance.

    Your plan of mentioning your surgery, and also getting your GP to look at the second lesion you have, while seeing him/her on a separate matter sounds like a good one.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on.

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