White raised line 2 months post BCC face op

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

2 scars have been healing well under eye but the one along side my nose during the last two weeks I've noticed a white line along where the swelling is subsiding. Is it just a scar line? I've still got a penny sized lump at the base of it all 

got a check up in 2 weeks time 

  • Hi Babyyoda Nice to hear from you.  I would think it is a swcar line forming. Are you still massaging.  Must learn how we private friend one another so we can send pics.  Mine is still quite lumpy the skin graft, the skin flat is  looking really good.  Take care and keep in touch xx

  • Hey Harlyn thanks for the response it's quite a weird ridge but yes prob right. Yep have tried to email someone to help with this I wonder if we flag it to the moderator they can help with this.

    Moderator how can we arrange to add photos or DM privately somehow without having our derails removed for gdpr