new postrate cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 170 subscribers

hi all. Just had my phone call to inform me my mri scan is positive for postrate cancer and bone scan says its outside the postrate. my psa was 505 so I'm pretty much terrified. I'm being booked in next week for a biopsy. anyone had similar psa and what was the outcome. regards dale

  • Hi Dale, and a warm welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here, we can all understand the emotions you are experiencing, it's an awful thing to be told you have cancer, so well done in reaching out to the forum, you will find the support and advice from the guys and girls on here so helpful and reassuring, and all from people who understand where you are  and the decisions you face, can I ask, you say the cancer has broken through the prostate, and has it reached anywhere else?, and regarding your PSA it is high, but it's a little more complicated than that, variant and cell type and pattern are at least as important. My PCa is quite unique so I'm not a good reference for you, but I know there are guys on here with similar stats to you who are doing very well. Best wishes my friend.
