Advice on treatment options prostate cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 165 subscribers

Hi, I have recently found out that my prostate cancer has spread to multiple lymph nodes. I’m seeing my oncologist in 2 weeks about Abiraterone or chemo. Just wondering to hear experiences people have had with them or which one they would recommend. 

  • Thanks all, just a bit of history to where I am now . Was diagnosed 8 years ago with stage 3 Gleason 8 prostate cancer. I received ebrt and hdr brachytherapy, also on bicaludide for 2 years. All good till 2021 with psa rising to 3.6. Had a prostatectomy that Christmas showing positive margins. Psa was down to 0.04 but has been  slowly rising to 2.8 . Psma pet scan July 2024 showed multiple spread to lymph nodes in lower and mid abdomen, chest, shoulder and spine. Went on hormone injections and started enzaluamide. After 2 weeks severe headaches started and blood pressure went through the roof, so I’m now at the conversation about Abiraterone and chemo which he’s mentioned. Appointment in 10 days 

  • Hi @Messi

    Sounds like you been on a journey! I’m guessing your consultant will know what’s best at the end of the day, but it is good to have questions to ask at your meeting and work through alternatives. We’ve always felt strongly from the start to hit it hard. So with that in mind, personally I would be interested in discussing Chemo and the benefits of knocking it back at this stage.

    There is one thing I want to add about Abiraterone that could be worth knowing and considering as a conversation at the meeting. It could be worth trying as it could give you a bit of a breathing space before chemo, Abiraterone supposedly has an interesting bonus as a drug because it has the ability to stop your body producing a “false” testosterone that feeds the cancer, weird as that sounds. So even though it is the same type level wise as Enzalutamide it works differently and may suit you better?when looking at treatment paths and considering how you can get the most for yourself in time and quality of life, anything that can possibly give you more time is worth a try to my mind, if it doesn’t bring your PSA down immediately, then you will know it’s time for Chemotherapy. ( just an idea )

    please follow up on this thread and let us know what you decide and how your meeting goes as it helps us all to understand more and gives us knowledge and questions that may open up good conversations with our consultants

    Hope it goes well for you, 

    LSlight smile