My diagnosis

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  • 163 subscribers

HI my name is Mal CG,First post 

After PSA test of 31 at February and MRI two weeks later I met with consultant ,who confirmed PC,

He then over next three plus months had bone scan ,biopsy and pet scan done ,during this time I was told by letter twice that bones were clear only to find out on meeting with him at end of June a leison was found in pelvic area as well  as prostrate itself where he diagnose me at T3 gleason 4+5=9

I have been on hormone tablets and have had a three monthly zoladex 10.8 implant in last month and met with consultant in cancer hospital yesterday who said my diagnosis was T4 4+5 which came as a bit of a shock 

The treatment team are looking to knock back tetesterone and more tablets and RT further down the road .

Moving from T3 to T4 as been a bit of a shock to me .

Is it normal for this case scenario to happen?

  • Hi  I am confused.  What changed between the original and latest diagnosis?  Did you have any other test results that indicated moving from T3 to T4.  If not, then I can only assume that one of the diagnoses were wrong.  In which case, which one?  I would suggest you ask your team for more information. Best wishes, David

  • Hi Mal and sorry to hear about your situation.

    I must say not at all helpful that they missed the bone met initially, hence the T3 increased to a T4

    I would Def ask them how that was missed.

    There are still treatments on offer and if it's in just the one pelvic area perhaps they can give a go with Radiotherapy.

    Hopefully you will have a meeting with them soon and they can explain in more detail.

    Best wishes 


  • The consultant in charge of diagnosis initially identified with mri scan a area of PC in prostate. He then ordered bone scan biopsy and pet scan and told me I am on conveyor belt and diagnosis to treatment would take two months a schedule which was missed ,he also said he was hopeful on bone scan.and after bone scan I had to wait 8 weeks for biopsy and pet scan results during this time I received two letters stating bones to be clear .

    After pet scan I was called in and told a leison was found in pelvic hip area .

    I asked him what me stage and gleason scores were and he said T3 9

    I was the put on tablets and zoladex and met with treatment team at different hospital yesterday and was told as leison was in bone I was T4 9

    A worry at moment, will be called back in in five weeks 

  • Yeah walked out of appointment a bit confused and disappointed. The diagnostic guy said leison was picked up by pet scan which bone scan didn't pick up ?

    It is in one area and hope you are right one treatment of that area 

  • Yes Mal, just read your text to David which explains it .

    Apparently pet scan can be better at picking up bone mets, not sure why.

    As u say fingers crossed just one area plus the prostate to be zapped, at least the hormone therapy holding it back.

    All the best


  • Hi Mal CG, and welcome to the forum, though sorry you have to be here. Mal, has anyone told you your PCa has spread to your bones, as lesions on the bone are not always cancerous, PS I have 3 on my spine, all benign, and my stats also rose while on HT, my staging went from T3a//4 N0 MO to T4 N2 M1a, and Gleason 9 to 10, despite being on HT for 8 months, I know the causes behind my changes but yours is for your oncologist to explain such a rise is unusual. PS I have had variations in results due to how the statistics are interpreted, best wishes.


  •   , I tend to agree with Eddie and am still unsure how the second diagnosis changed.  Either way you are on HT so cancer should be in retreat for now.  No panic to rush anything, so I would hope at the next meeting you will be given your treatment plan.  In answer to your original question is it normal, I guess my answer is no, but diagnoses change as more info is available. Please come back with any questions.  Best wishes, David

  • Yeah yesterday was a bit of a blur after moving from T3 to T4 .

    Obviously hoping hormones work and when called back I will have processed this and will ask for explanation .

    Thanks for all your concerns ,and I will query this 

  • First consultant just told me he would be after meeting with treatment team handing me over to them and did not want to discuss treatment options .

    I then asked him stage and gleason