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Hi, my name is James and I’m just starting out on this journey. I’d be having some symptoms of PC for many months and thought that at 57 I was growing old, Getting up in the night to pee, flow problems etc. 

I finally saw my doctor in May who examined me and suggested I should have a PSA test. That was done 2 weeks later. I should have been concerned that he was back on the phone within 24 hrs saying it was high and he’d start the 2 week pathway. 

I was in shock and hadn’t really understood what was happening until I spoke to the Urology team who confirmed my PSA score of 135. She suggested a second test which came back at 148. 

Since then I’ve tried to read as much as I can and realise I’ve got a fight on my hands.

Ive had a CT scan and subsequently met with the consultant who has diagnosed  T3. I’ve now had a biopsy which is another post for another time, a bone scan, daily hormone treatment and my first hormone injection. 

It’s fair to say things are moving incredibly quickly which in its own right terrifies me but I have my final consultation this Thursday where I hope to understand the Gleason score, whether it’s spread and what treatment options are available. 

I’ve been reading these forums which I’ve found incredibly helpful and supportive but the not knowing is beyond worrying and I’m finding the stress of it is taking it’s toll.

Best wishes to everyone who is navigating this too. 

  • Hi Jim, you have come to the right place and better than Google for info, as this is where you will get information from those who are going through and have been through this experience first hand. You will get lots of replies from the wonderful guys and gals on this fantastic site.

    Sit back and wait for the inevitable assurance to come in, and try not to worry, although easier said than done. The start of the journey is always the worst part, but you will realise it is not as bad as you think. My husband's initial psa was around 1200 and with treatment came down v quickly. He is stage 4 but while non curable  is most definitely treatable.  That was 3 years ago and despite other comorbidities and 79, he is still with us. 

    Best regards  Gina 

  • James ( ),  we fully understand where you are in your journey.  I was PSA 74 and Gleason 9 T3b at the start, 7 years ago.  Suddenly confronted with your own mortality is quite a shock, but as others will no doubt add later, it isn’t all bad (but we can tell you about that another time).  Firstly, I hope you haven’t been on Dr Google! Restrict your research to Prostate Cancer UK and MacMillan for now and use the forum to ask any questions.  We are not medics but the range of experience on here is awesome!   
    The good news is that having started the HT, your cancer is being stopped in its tracks for now, so no need for any hurry to do anything.  In fact it is usually best to wait for a few months.   Wait till you get the results of your biopsy and scans and post back letting us know your scores.  We have guys on here with every type of diagnosis so you are not alone.  Take care, David

  • Thanks Gina, great to hear you and your husband are managing well. Thank you for your positive words.

  • Thanks David, I learnt very quickly that Dr Google is not the empathetic advice line I should be consulting and already have taken so much confidence in this and prostate cancers advice. Its great to be part of this community. Thank you.  

  • Hi James  .

    A warm welcome from a wife whose husband is T4 diagnosed 4 years ago next week - the date will remain firmly etched in our minds as being one of the worst days in our lives. Thanks to the treatments available, the medical teams and this forum we have managed to get things into perspective and have a good quality of life and have been assured that there are still plenty of tools in the toolbox if necessary for the future. 

    The good news for you is that you have started on hormone therapy which is removing the food the cancer needs plus you seem to have a very proactive team behind you. Once you find out your full Gleason and results of the histology from the biopsy you will have a better idea of what you are facing. I hope you have found the link on this forum, whilst you have been lurking, to a very useful book which might help with questions for your meeting on Thursday but if not here it is again.

    Please come back with any questions and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Jimbob123, my husband has recently been diagnosed and PSa similar to yours 143. He’s been on zoladex and his Psa came down to 10 within 4 weeks, He has hot flushes but is doing well. Our lives were turned upside down in May at diagnosis but with the help and comfort of this community the dark cloud is lifting a little. Things have calmed down and we are just awaiting Radiology to get in touch. Best wishes.